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Must read articles for Financial Aid

Top 5 Part-Time Jobs for a Student

18 November 2023

[Unsplash] Hey there, fellow fun-loving folks! Are you a student who loves to live your best life, but also wants to earn some extra cash?...

6 Ways Busy Students can Earn a Passive Income

25 January 2022

As a student, you may feel limited by the fixed amount of pocket money that you receive from your parents. It might just be enough...

Best Student Credit Cards in Singapore [2022 Updated]

22 September 2021

Student credit cards are gaining popularity in recent years. They provide flexibility in spending, are convenient, and also allow you to have a record of...

Singapore’s Edusave Scholarships and Awards

25 August 2021

Singapore is well-known for its diverse and multicultural society. Education has played a critical part in establishing this little island, so the Singaporean government continues to...

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