SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Effective tutoring

Effective Tutoring Strategies To Help Prepare Your Students For Exams

18 July 2023

(Pexels - Armin Rimoldi) As the examination period is slowly approaching, it’s understandable that tutors like you, as well as your students, will start to...

Active Listening for Children Benefits, Techniques & Examples

06 July 2023

Childhood is perhaps the most essential period for a child’s cognitive, social, physical, and emotional development. Strong listening skills are integrated with all four aspects...

Creating a Safe Learning Environment: How Tutors Can Identify Signs of Bullying Among Students

04 July 2023

(Pexels - Mikhail Nilov) Having a safe learning environment is crucial for students to effectively learn and for their well-being. Tutors like you play a...

Tips to Prevent Students From Cheating During a Test

20 June 2023

(Pexels - RODNAE Productions) When it comes to academics, a fair assessment is crucial for a student's learning. Academic dishonesty or cheating during an assignment,...

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