SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Early Childhood

A Parent’s Guide: How to Teach Your Children Phonics

20 February 2023

[Getty Images, Xijian] Teaching your child to read is both an exciting and rewarding milestone in their life. You get the opportunity to see firsthand...

Play Before Work or Work Before Play?

06 February 2023

[Pexels, Lum3n] From young, my mother told me that it’s important to work before playing, so that I could relax fully after I finished my...

Which Factors Should You Consider to Choose the Right Music School?

06 February 2023

[Unsplash, Geert Pieters] Music is an integral part of many cultures and has a special place in many people’s lives. It’s often considered a universal...

The Link Between Good Parental Bonds and Bullying

04 February 2023

[Pexels, RODNAE Productions] Bullying is a huge problem. It’s not just a problem that happens in schools; with the rising usage of social media, cyberbullying...

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