SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Early Childhood

What to Do When Your Child is A Bully

06 June 2022

[iStock] Bullying is becoming a grave issue in schools. It is an ongoing issue and is becoming more complex as it extends into online spaces (also...

How to Build Your Young Child’s Friendship Skills

21 May 2022

Making friends is part and parcel of every child’s development. When children start going to school, they need to learn to make friends, but they...

How Reading the Same Book Repeatedly Can Benefit Your Kids in the Long Run

17 May 2022

Reading books is generally considered an excellent way for kids to learn and support their growth and development. Aside from teaching them valuable life lessons,...

Why Should We Nurture Children’s Hobbies?

09 May 2022

[shutterstock]  In Singapore, it is common to focus heavily on academics. Our children's hobbies often tend to take a back seat as grades and homework...

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