SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Building Confidence

3 Important Things You Should Do as a Student to Improve your Future Job Prospects

15 March 2022

As a student, you might often be made to consider your future career and how you can study hard to reach your goal. However, in...

6 Useful Hobbies that Students can Pick Up over their March Holidays

12 March 2022

The long-awaited March school holidays are here! Students can finally take a much-needed break week. This year, the holiday will be from the 12th to...

7 Ways to Boost Your Chances of Employment After Graduation

01 March 2022

While Singapore’s labour market experienced a shock in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has since seen a steady recovery with unemployment numbers...

How to Discipline Your Child Using Effective Communication

22 February 2022

With each generation comes a different culture, set of beliefs and way of thinking. Parents often find it very difficult to communicate with their children...

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