SmileTutor Blog Students Exam Tips How to Make your Project Powerpoint Presentation Worthy of an ‘A’

How to Make your Project Powerpoint Presentation Worthy of an ‘A’

Creating the perfect project Powerpoint presentation is a trial and error process.

Every student can design it based on the topic they were given or do whatever design they see work well. However, it is important to remember that these presentations have to be done properly because they will be graded based on how well it presented the content and not just on the design.

If you want to make your project presentation worthy of an ‘A’, here are some tips to follow:

 Use Key Phrases About Your Topic

If you want to present your content more efficiently to your audience, it is recommended that you use key phrases to highlight any important information you want them to remember. Think of it as a header for your paragraphs.

Here are some examples:

  • The dangerous thing about stress and peer pressure is that, most students keep it to themselves as they feel ashamed to talk about their mental stress with their parents, teachers or any other elderlies. So instead of writing the entire sentence in your powerpoint, you will use key phases such as Keeping Stress to Themselves.
  • It’s not wise to cram for exams or to just skim through pages at the eleventh hour. Make sure to keep up with your course materials regularly and when there is a time constraint, it is better to read the major sections or important topics rather than trying to go through the whole course. Same thing here, instead of writing the entire paragraph, the right key phases are Don’t Cram For Exams or Pace Yourself During Revision.

If your topic has a large scope, pick the best points your audience needs to remember and repeat it several times. If you need help in this area, our tutors are ready to guide you on your powerpoint slides.

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Limit bullet points & text

When designing a Powerpoint presentation, you need to take into consideration the people who will be reading it. It can be quite boring to see a lot of information on bullet points without knowing which is crucial to know and which ones are just supplementary information.

Some presentations don’t even require the use of bullet points or text because a simple table, graph or image can say the whole thing. Too much text or bullet points can also disrupt your narration.

As much as possible, try to limit the bullet points or text used in your slides and only use the key information your audiences need to know and support it with your narrative. You can provide a detailed handout later on so they can read the other information you want them to know but you couldn’t put it on the presentation.

Limit transitions & builds

Using animation or transitions in Powerpoint presentations do add a little flare to how your audiences can see the information as you narrate it. However, some transitions can take a long time to load and in some instances, affect how your presentation will go.

Your audiences may also find the effects boring because they have to wait for the animation to finish before they can read on the presentation.

As much as we encourage you to be creative, do limit the use of animations in all your slides and only use two or three types of effects if you really want to add them.

Limit the Number of Slides

Long presentations will be seen as too dull or boring for audiences to read throughout your presentation time. It will also cause you to rush your presentation when it is important you explain each slide properly so people can ask the right questions about your topic.

As much as possible, try to limit your presentation slides and take a minute or two to explain it before moving on to the next one.

Design your slides accordingly

When designing a Powerpoint presentation, it must be easy to follow for your audiences to pick the right information accurately and keep them interested.

Have the title located in the top part of the slide and have the information written from top to bottom or left to right. Make sure that key information or phrases are on top of the slide so they know where to find it and it can be seen by the people at the back of the room.

Use high-quality graphics

Some topics will require photos to illustrate the topic or give importance to it. However, using low-quality graphics can affect your presentation’s impact towards your audiences because it may only disrupt your audience’s focus.

Use high-resolution or high-quality graphics to support your presentations and use them carefully. Some photos can affect the loading speed of a presentation so you do have to edit the images before you put them on the presentation.

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Don’t Use Fancy Fonts

If you want your project to be taken seriously, the font should be easy to read even from a distance. Use fonts like Times New Roman, Tahoma or Arial and make sure to use it throughout the presentation.

While fancy fonts can earn you points for creativity, some of them may not be easily read on the screen and can distract your readers. Be consistent with their sizes so it can be read by everyone no matter where they are in the room.

Use Contrasting Colours for Text and Background

When working on a slide, it is best to use dark text if the theme you are using has a light background. This will enable you to present your content more clearly to people. However, if you want to add some effects on your presentation, you can use a dark background and light coloured font to make it visible for everyone.

It is best to avoid patterned backgrounds because it can make it difficult for readers to read the text. Stay as consistent as you can when it comes to your presentation’s colour scheme.

Use appropriate charts

If you need to present numerical data like for your POA project presentation, you need to make sure that you are using the right chart type to present it. If you will show percentages, you should use Pie Charts.

If you want to show quantity change, vertical bar charts are the way to go. Line charts can also work well for trends or growth rate.

You can also use tables to present numerical data. However, they do not have the same impact as charts when presenting it visually to your audience.

Use video or audio

You can also use video and audio clips in your presentation. This is recommended if you are trying to illustrate a concept or try concept mapping to your users or share audio clips of interviews or speeches. Try to avoid using the video or audio clips that are included in the program because it will only affect your presentation’s credibility.


Project Powerpoint Presentations must be planned accordingly to get the best impact possible from your audience. With these tips above, you can definitely improve the way your presentations look to your audience and give them a reason to listen as you present it.

For more presentation tips, here are ways you can improve:

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.