Strategies to Get the Best Work from Your Students

10 May 2020

As tutors, it is our goal to help our students be the best they can be. We help them discover ways on how they can...

How to Evaluate Your Students without Using Grades

28 April 2020

Grades are often seen by many as a way to see how much a student has progressed in their studies. If they have a high...

Covid-19 Sure-Fire Tips for Better Online Teaching for Tutors

18 April 2020

Since the widespread transmission of Covid-19 was recorded, many schools and universities worldwide transferred their classes to online platforms as an effort to protect students...

How to Setup Your Own Remote Classroom During Circuit Breaker

13 April 2020

As you probably already know by now, MOE has announced that all schools are suspended and students will transition fully to home-based learning until the...

How to Increase Lesson Participation by Asking Better Questions

12 April 2020

Every student performs differently during tuition lessons, especially when you ask them difficult questions. Some will be able to respond easily and immediately, while others...

7 Essential Lesson Time Management Tips for Tutors

20 February 2020

As a tutor, to be effective, you need to make sure that your student will be able to absorb as much as possible within each...