5 Reasons Why Helicopter Parenting Is A Bad Idea

09 December 2017

Helicopter parenting is a parenting style of which the parent hovers overhead overseeing their child’s life. Such a parent pays an extreme amount of attention...

How to Tell If Your Child Is a Genius?

04 December 2017

Having an intelligent child is the dream and pride of every parent: having a super intelligent child is considered the utmost blessing to the parents....

6 Things You Can Do For Your Kids During The Year End Holidays To Prep Them For 2018

11 November 2017

The holidays at the end of the school year are the longest period for children. There is no school for at least a month, and...

How to Encourage Your Child to Participate More Actively In the Classroom

30 June 2017

It isn’t uncommon for children to feel shy and nervous about asking questions and offering input during class discussions. They might be scared of giving...

How Much Does a Bilingual Home Environment Help Young Students?

26 May 2017

Considering the bilingual education policy in Singapore in which our kids pass both their mother tongue and English at PSLE, many people believe that speaking...

7 Signs Your Child Might Be Too Stressed – And How to Deal with It

03 March 2017

Everyone deals with stress from time to time. In normal doses, it’s healthy. But if left untreated, stress can build up and lead to more...