SmileTutor Blog Parents Key Decisions 8 Ways that Going to a Childcare in Singapore Helps To Prepare Your Kid for Primary School

8 Ways that Going to a Childcare in Singapore Helps To Prepare Your Kid for Primary School

In Singapore, nurseries or childcare centres are a great place to enrol kids if parents like myself do not have time to watch over them.

Children can be enrolled in these facilities for a whole day, half day or in a flexible schedule (my preferred choice). There are at least 1,360 childcare centres across Singapore and they accept kids from 18 months old to six years old.

Parents are divided if they should enrol their child into a childcare centre before they go to primary school. Some parents choose to homeschool their children rather than get them into nurseries. Others say nurseries are better because of the things they can help children with.

So, should you enrol your child in nursery or childcare? Here are 8 ways where childcare in Singapore will help your child prepare for primary school.

Understand structure and routines

Like traditional schools, nurseries and childcare centres have a schedule in place to help children thrive. This schedule helps children become familiar with the routine and also keep them busy. Every activity helps children know when to expect the next activity and what to do during these activities.

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Children would also become familiar with the rules set during these activities and why they are important. I believe they will also be exposed to seeing things from a different perspective, which they will definitely see in primary school.

Opportunity to observe and interact with peers

Childcare centres will also open opportunities for your children to interact with their peers. They will be able to communicate with them and develop values like manners and empathy.

If you keep them at home, their exposure to other children is minimal and may affect them when they are in primary school. As they grow older, your child will slowly become confident and slowly try to discover more about the world on their own and with their peers.

These skills will help them grow up as respectful and kind individuals.

Learn to respect authority from adults in a social setting

Childcare also helps children to learn how to interact with adults.

They will learn how to respect their authority and speak to them politely. They will also be familiar with the rules of society, follow them and adjust their actions accordingly.

Childcare will also help your child to trust adults, especially if they need help or advice.

Learn through play to develop holistically

I believe that young children learn best with the help of active play.

In the active play, they will be able to train their senses and understand concepts rather than just reading about it. Nurseries and childcare centres across Singapore take advantage of this fact and craft activities to enhance a child’s development.

One such activity that is often used in nurseries is storytelling. Through storytelling, I love how children learn to make connections between characters and other elements. They will also be able to gather information and create their own stories. Language and communication skills are also supported by this activity.

Manage being alone

Sometimes, even kids need some time alone away from their classmates and teachers. If they are always with others, they cannot think quietly and learn things on their own. They will also become dependent on another person’s help.

A nursery will help your child work on tasks on their own and establish a sense of “me” time. With these tasks, your child will develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills, as well as become mindful of the things around them.

Grow the seed of learning

Learning is a huge part of life and it is important that one learns to love it at a young age.

If a child is motivated early, they will learn such more and they will be happy to explore new things. When they are in a nursery or childcare facility, they can explore safely and complement what they will learn in primary school.

With the right lessons taught to children at a young age, they will be able to keep up with their schooling years and their adult years. They may even pursue new opportunities on their own. While you can also teach your children to build a love for learning at home, some children learn better with others like in a tuition class setting.

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Engage in activities for physical and cognitive development

Aside from benefitting greatly from active play, nurseries also have activities which helps with brain and physical development. Children are introduced to sports and other similar activities to get their motor skills running.

Nursery staff will also hold special programs to test and train a child’s memory and cognitive skills. Not only do these activities help with your child’s overall development, but it also keeps them happy and forget they are away from their parents.

Some of these activities can even help your child become independent.

Appreciate the value of teamwork

Finally, children in nursery and childcare centers get to learn how their actions and words affect the people around them. They will understand that not working with their peers will affect their overall performance.

If they did work with their peers, they will succeed more easily. This will help instill the importance of teamwork on your child, especially on group activities.

Children will also understand how to reach out for help and even adapt to change if they have to be in another group. They will also adjust their actions to ensure that they will not insult their peers as they work together.

In Other Words

Children do not just need their parents to grow up and learn about the world. Even their community plays a part in raising them up to be productive citizens.

With the help of childcare centres across the country, you can be assured that your child is in a safe environment and monitored by trained educators. They will also be given opportunities to explore the world and learn key life skills that will prepare them for the world.

So, if you are thinking of enrolling your child in nursery or childcare, don’t worry. When your child comes home from their session, the stories they will share will reassure you that your decision is right.

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.