SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips 10 Confidence-Boosting Books for Singapore Kindergarten Kids

10 Confidence-Boosting Books for Singapore Kindergarten Kids

When your kids hit kindergarten, they will meet new people with personalities unlike their own. Some kids may find it easy to interact with them, but there will be times these new people may scare your child in reaching out to them. Others may be afraid all together to reach out to these people.

If your child needs a boost in their self-esteem, there are several ways to help them out. You can help them understand what they are going through by speaking to them or giving them books that talk about self-esteem and give them activities that will inspire them to be confident like the ones we recommend here. 

Here is our 10 book recommendation that can help your children boost their confidence.

No Matter What

This book by Debbie Gliori will help your child smile and be reassured especially when they are experiencing a bad day. The content is filled with reassuring words that will show to your child that no matter what they are feeling, they are loved.

You can read it together with them every day and build that connection that they may be missing every day and causing them to lose their confidence.

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Mr. Tiger Goes Wild

In this book, the story follows Mr. Tiger, an ideal citizen that is trying to find ways to be free from always being proper. He starts doing what he feels is good, acts like a tiger and is proud of it.

This book will give your children the courage to be who they are and what they want to be and know that they will be accepted either way.

You Can Do It, Stinky Face

In this book, kids will learn that it is ok to be scared when they are facing something new. It follows the story of little Stinky Face as he goes to new adventures and his Mama is always there to support him.

In each adventure, Stinky Face is always fearful about what will happen, but his Mama is always there to say that it’s ok to fear something and that if they face their fear, they will surely discover something new about themselves.

A Bad Case of Stripes

In this story, author David Shannon shows how kids should act when they are pressured to conform to things other people are showing.

A young girl has to hide her love for lima beans because she is with people who don’t like them. But, hiding it is causing her to break out uniquely because she is not being true to herself.

As the story progresses, she starts to become confident in herself and be true that she likes certain things other people don’t.

Marshall Armstrong is New to Our School

Author David Mackintosh looks into the story of a student monitoring how his class changes after a new student named Marshall Armstrong.

Although Marshall acted normally in his first few days, his teacher and classmates discovered that young Marshall is not as ordinary as they thought because he is quite eccentric.

Of course, his eccentric actions inspired everyone to be confident in being unique and give your child a smile when they read it. This is a great book for your child as you help him to transit into primary school with other confidence boosting methods here.


Authors Scott Magoon and Amy Krouse narrates the story of a Spoon, who feels very sad because he thinks he is not very popular and cool like other cutlery.

But, the other cutlery proves him wrong because a Spoon like him can go to interesting places (namely all sorts of food).

Your kids will realise through the book that it is ok to be themselves because each one of us is unique.

Amazing Grace

In this book, Mary Hoffman and Caroline Binch talk about a little girl named Grace who wants to be Peter Pan in their school play. But, many kept saying she couldn’t because Peter is a boy and he is also not black.

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Despite these people telling her off from her dreams, her grandmother supported Grace by saying she can be anyone she wants.

For kids who are finding it hard to be who they can be, this is the book they should read to give them a boost. Children should not be pressured by their peers, find out here how friends can influence your child’s studies. 

Big Choo

Big Choo follows the story of a little train named Little Choo who wants to ride in the big rails like his papa. But, the big rails are perilous for someone as small as him and he has to be careful when training to learn how to drive on these rails.

Little Choo, throughout the story, will discover that it will take time and training for him to be confident in riding these rails and your kids will know it is ok to keep trying because in the end, they will succeed too.

Happy Dreamer

Happy Dreamer by Peter H. Reynolds is a great book that will help your child not fear their imagination and let it flourish. Reynolds guides your child in understanding what it means to dream and how it can help them be happy.

Several illustrations in this book will inspire your child to say it is ok to dream and be creative all the time. You can even add on creative activities alongside to support this reading!

I Can Be Anything! Don’t Tell Me I Can’t

In this book by Diane Dillion, she features the story of a young girl named Zoe who is very confident and knows what she wants to be.

She is very confident that she will be able to reach her goals, but there are times when her goals seem so far to reach especially when she hears people saying “What if.”

But, Zoe shows that she is not afraid of all the challenges and will be the first to say she can do it.


Books can show a new world for kids and teach them lessons that they can apply in real life. If your child need help with his reading, our tutors are ready to jump in and assist.

With these books we listed down, they will discover that they are not the only ones experiencing problems with understanding themselves and becoming confident.

As they read these books, they will know that it is ok to be different and be true to themselves.


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.