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Your Ultimate Guide to Acing Final Year Project


Final Year Project (FYP), also known as Major Project.

As students, FYP is our last chance to raise our Grade Point Average (GPA), and we all want to do well for it. Because it is the one thing that stands between us and that diploma or degree. This makes us anxious and unsure because we might not have prior experience with this.

But don’t worry, because you’re going to find out how to ace your FYP and get the GPA you need.

Understanding Your FYP


“Know the ground, know the weather; your victory will then be total”.

Indeed this is the case for all projects, especially your FYP. Your FYP can have many components and requirements depending on your course or major.

By understanding the rubrics and briefs, you can better plan and organise your project. All to get you an ‘A’. Here’s how to understand the rubrics and briefs:

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1. Read the rubric for your assessment
2. Familiarise yourself with it
3. Ask your lecturers about anything you don’t understand
4. Refer to the rubric as you do your project
5. Before you hand in your project, use the rubric to judge your own work

Choose the Right Team


Of course, you can’t go without a group to complete your FYP! This is why they are so important. Your peers and your project supervisors are the base of your project, and they are your essential resources.

So make sure to choose hardworking, reliable peers and work with each other well.

As for your project supervisor, ensure that they have sufficient knowledge and experience in your project field. This way, you get better advice and guidance for your project.

Here’s how you can ensure that your supervisor has experience in the project field:
1. Talk to them about their career (their career path and experiences)
2. During lessons, see if they share their experiences in the professional field

Choose the Right Topic


Your final year project topic is crucial because it lays down the foundations of your project and decides what direction it will take. Hence why it is vital to choose the right topic.

Here are some tips for choosing the best topic for your final year project.

Don’t follow the crowd

You want your project to stand out, catch the lecturers’ eyes, and impress them. So, don’t choose a topic similar to what other groups are doing!

Take the time to research and choose a different topic, so that you can make your project different and innovative (and lecturers love that). You will also avoid the chances of plagiarism because you are not using the same materials as the other groups.

Identify a real issue/problem and solve it in your FYP

Make it real; make it present!

That’s right! Identify a real issue or problem and then address it. Be it the increasing use of hydrogen fuel cells or travel opening up.

This makes your project relevant and exciting and, most importantly, unique!

It also shows lecturers that you are innovative, and who knows? Your lecturer might like it so much that they might give you recommendation letters to intern or collaborate with some of these companies.

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Don’t Procrastinate


You have six months to complete your FYP, so use that six months. Don’t push it until the last month to rush through it and there are many parts and components to complete.

So plan it out. Start your project early and spread out the workload over the many months you have. This way, you will be less overwhelmed nearer to the deadline.

By starting your project early, you also have ample time to make changes to your project when you come across issues with your research or topic!

Plan Your Project Well


Planning your project is one of the more critical parts of the project. When you have a project plan, you have an idea of what needs to be done, which tasks take more time, and your deadlines for the entire project.

This helps you prioritise your tasks and resources (especially your budget), allowing you to save time and work more efficiently.

Here are some things to include when planning your project:
1. Deadlines
2. Milestone checks
3. Cost estimations
4. Human resources (your group)
5. Implementation
6. Presentation

Research. Research. Research.


Now that you have your resources ready, your topic down, and your project planned out, it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty details.


Most final year projects require you to produce a solid piece of research and present it. You need sufficient research and evidence to back up your case to do that.

Make sure to get your information and research from reliable sources or government websites. You can also read existing research papers.

Presenting Your Project


The final stage of your FYP is presentation. This is when you show your peers and lecturers what your group did.

Many of us tend to dismiss the importance of presentations and often execute it poorly which caused our grades to drop. Yes, your presentation is graded too.

So here are some tips for presenting well:
1. Be confident
2. Keep your slides simple and with minimum words
3. Make your presentation engaging
4. Make sure you include all your research



Considering the amount of workload needed, FYP may seem daunting. But it is important to stay open-minded and do your best!

We hope that this article helps you prepare for your final year project. Good luck!

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.