SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students Where to Find Internship Jobs in Singapore?

Where to Find Internship Jobs in Singapore?

Internships are important for any graduating Singaporean students who wish to get preliminary working experience before they enter the corporate world. It is where they can see how their chosen industries work and develop the right skills they need to excel in the positions they will get in the future.

Where do students find these internship positions? Fortunately, there are a lot of online job search sites they can use to find these positions. But, which ones should you check to get the best internship positions in Singapore?

To help you understand the internship environment in Singapore, this article will help you understand the various types of internship available in the country. We also listed down the best websites to use to locate the best internship jobs in the country.

3 Types of Internships

There are a variety of opportunities available for students to apply for when it comes to internships. However, they are divided into three types – private, government and overseas – and each offer different opportunities to those who sign up for them.


In private or corporate internships, students have a wide range of internship positions to choose from. It could be for finance, communication, IT and others. Check out these best jobs for fresh graduates.

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Since private companies focus on profit, they want interns who are result-driven. Usually, it can be hard to snag an internship in large companies which is why it is important that your resume and mindset must appeal to these private companies to get an internship position.

You can also check internship opportunities in private startups. Like large companies, startups also share the same profit-driven mindset but they are more flexible when it comes to the people they want to work with. They also have a more informal working environment which you may enjoy during your internship.


Government internships can be offered by various government agencies or NGOs.

In Singapore, the various ministries offer regular internship positions for students who wish to go into public service. Statutory boards also offer internships for students who want an experience in working in the corporate-like sections of the government.

NGOs, like World Vision, also offer internships for students who would like to contribute to society and help those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged. This is typically suitable for those who love volunteer work. 


International or overseas internships are becoming very popular in Singapore. They can be offered by both organisations or companies looking for talented interns. What differs in this type of internship is the fact it will be completed overseas.

There is a big plus in working overseas because not only do you develop key life skills in the process, it also helps with your resume. Internship jobs overseas also opens unique job opportunities which you may not have considered before.

However, you may want to take note that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, overseas internship may be affected as reported here. 

Top websites for Internship Jobs

Internships bring a lot of benefits. Now that you know the types of internships you can choose from, it is time to know where you can find these internship jobs. Most companies in Singapore have special sections where prospective interns can apply. It will list down the recruitment process and the deadline for applications.

However, if you want to see what other companies and organisations offer internship positions, here are the sites you need to check out:

GrabJobs presents a refreshing approach for students in Singapore seeking internship opportunities. As a platform visited by over 60,000 people each month, it offers an innovative solution to the often tedious job application process. 

What sets GrabJobs apart is its unique feature that allows students to apply for jobs without a traditional CV. Through an interactive chatbot, the platform collects answers to relevant questions and crafts a CV, providing a more personalized and efficient application experience for busy students.

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Additionally, GrabJobs is equipped with AI tools that are particularly beneficial for students. The CV Writer aids in optimizing resumes, a crucial aspect for those with limited work experience. Meanwhile, the Job Application Copilot (JAC) streamlines the job application process. After a one-time setup, JAC autonomously applies to suitable internships, freeing students to focus on their studies while still actively engaging in job searching.

When it comes to internship jobs, the best site to check is INTERNSG.

The site opened in 2004 and helps students and graduates look for the best and latest internships programs available in Singapore for free. The companies that are a part of the site’s Internship Placement Programme include even those on the Fortune 500 list. No matter what industry you wish to be in, there will be an internship job opening available on the site.

Indeed is one of the largest job search websites in the world and it does have regional sites which allow users to find jobs located around the world. They also provide personality tests like what we have here to determine what jobs are best suited for you.

Students looking for an internship job simply have to type in the site’s search bar what kind of internship or industry they want to be in and where these companies should be located.

The site results will show the openings available and the site even lets the students apply directly on the site. Some of the results will redirect the student to the company’s internship page so they can apply directly.

For those looking for internships in the public sector, Careers@Gov is the best place to look. The site aims to help students who are dedicated in serving the public and share the same values the government upholds in their service.

Students can create a profile on the site and search for the jobs they want to work for their internship. Since it is a government-affiliated search engine, you will see all the job openings from the country’s Ministries and Statutory Boards, as well as other affiliated organisations.

Aside from Indeed, is one of the largest job sites in Singapore. No matter what industry you want to intern in, you can definitely find them through the site’s large database of job openings. They provide useful career advices like these. 

Students can simply type the industry or specialisation they want to sign up for and look for the ideal advertisement to apply for. To apply for the position, they must create a profile on the site and include their resume.

The company will then contact the student through the site or through their email.

JobsDB is also a popular job site where students can look for an internship position. Students do not need to look at thousands of job results because the site’s unique system will organise the results from various job sites in Singapore.

Students can either apply directly on the job site or be redirected directly to the company’s site. JobsDB is also working with JobStreet to help students find the positions they want in other industries not included in jobsDB’s search results.


Internships definitely present an advantage if students wish to excel in the corporate world once they graduate.

Without it, it can be hard to find a job immediately after graduation and you will waste a lot of time trying to keep up with those who have done their internship. Take the opportunity to get an internship and see how it can help you flourish in the career or industry you want to be in the future. Good luck!

For career advice, we have got it here for you too:

Choosing Your Career Path
1 in 5 students in Singapore expect starting salaries of S$4,000 or more


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.