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Must read articles for Study Habits

How to Get a Good Start to the New School Year

02 January 2023

[Pexels, Yi Lu] If your child is going to school for the first time, congratulations! It’s the start of a new journey. And if your...

Debunking Five Misconceptions About Active Learning

12 November 2022

[Education Technology Transformation] In Singapore, the education system is beginning to encourage students to take part in active learning. However, there are still many misconceptions...

6 Poor Study Habits You Should Avoid

29 October 2022

[Adobe Stock] During study sessions, students develop study habits to be more efficient. It allows them to cover more content and complete their revision faster....

Is Music Helpful or Distracting?

19 September 2022

[iStock] In the 2019 National Music Consumption Survey done by National Arts Council (NAC), it showed that 36% of the time, Singaporeans listen to music...

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