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Must read articles for Special Needs

Are We Supporting Special Needs Students Enough? Interview with a Special Needs Student

08 March 2022

Nicolette, now 20, was diagnosed with Hearing Impairment (HI) when she was two years old. She went through her entire education dealing with the difficulties...

Autism and Education: How to Prevent Sensory Overload

10 February 2022

Children with autism are highly sensitive to their surroundings because they have a delicate sensory system. This means noise easily overloads their senses (taste, touch,...

Special Education Schools: Complete Guide to SPED Schools in Singapore

23 August 2021

As parents, you play a critical role in helping your child build his and her future. This requires you to understand your child's needs, strengths,...

Ebooks vs. Printed Books: Which Will Benefit Your Child More?

30 March 2021

Digital textbooks are becoming common in the classroom nowadays. If you are going to buy books for your child, you have quite a lot of...

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