SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Home Tutoring

Group Tutoring vs Private Tutoring

06 January 2022

The tuition industry is extremely extensive in Singapore with the competitive academic pursuit. Parents scramble to look for tuition for their children to make sure...

The Success Of Singapore’s Education System

27 December 2021

A while back Singapore was an undeveloped country. Today, it is one of the most developed countries. The Singapore education system is considered one of...

Effective Study Tips: How to Study Smarter, Not Harder

23 December 2021

Everyone who has been to school has done their fair share of studying, especially when it comes to exams. A lot of us have different...

5 Common Studying Mistakes You Should Avoid at All Costs

07 December 2021

Imagine arriving home from school tired and exhausted, and upon opening your assignment notebook, you see a long list of topics you need to study...

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