SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Early Childhood

How to Grow Closer to Your Child

17 January 2022

Amicable parent-child relationships are hard to find these days. In many families, parents and their children simply blame their distance on the generational gap and...

A Complete Guide to Abacus Classes in Singapore

28 December 2021

Before the invention of the Arabic numeral system, a “counting frame” was used to make calculations. This frame is known as the Abacus, which is...

Should I Send My Child to a Preschool in Singapore?

27 December 2021

In this day and age, most parents don’t have the luxury to provide full-time care for their kids. As the number of dual-income families have...

Outdoor Magic: How Playing Helps and Inspires Early Development in Preschoolers

29 November 2021

Play is essential because it encourages overall and early development in preschoolers. Some people would ask why play is important for children? Physical activities allow children...

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