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How To Get A Scholarship Abroad: 5 Tips For Singapore Students

As a Singapore student, there are so many opportunities to take advantage of when it comes to your education, and one of them is a scholarship.

Many students have multiple reasons behind their wish to study abroad, but finances are one of their challenges. However, knowing how to make use of scholarship opportunities opens the doors to your dream of studying abroad.

Here are a few tips that can help to make your scholarship application process easier:

Apply for as many as you can

Applying might seem like the most obvious option, but you would be surprised by how many students get discouraged and convince themselves not to apply for a scholarship because they feel that they wouldn’t be selected.

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There is no harm in trying, considering how the money would go a long way in helping you settle into your dream school.

However, you need to be prepared for the tedious process of applying for your scholarship, as it will be hard work. Applying for more scholarships increases your chances of getting one, so you want to make sure you are taking advantage of every opportunity.

You can dedicate a few days each week to your application process, where you’ll just sit with your phone or computer and apply to as many as you possibly can.

Avoid generic application letters

When filing your application, you would be required to write essays about yourself and your motivation to study abroad. It is a crucial aspect for those looking to get an international education.

These essays are so important; they can either make or break your application.

Singapore students who are applying for scholarships would want to avoid falling into the generic trap. The entire essence of writing is to present your life in a dynamic and particular way to you alone. Don’t say things like, “I have always loved the United States of America.”, “I have always dreamt of studying in the US.”

Whatever prompt you decide to write about, always make sure you show vulnerability and talk about yourself. You might think, “Where can I get creative essay examples about me?” and that is a good first step.

There are several free online essay samples for students where you can read a lot of “About Me” articles to grasp a feel of the admission board’s requirements. But remember to avoid plagiarism.

Understand the process

To stand a higher chance of securing a scholarship, you must show an adequate understanding of how their admission processes and reviews work. In Singapore, there are high-stakes national exams or Grade Point Average (GPAs) that are pretty much the lone criterion for university admission.

Admissions into a US university are completely different. They take a holistic approach to ensure every candidate has something to offer more than just a perfect grade. They look at all aspects of an applicant and their likely contribution to the institution.

Therefore, it is important for candidates from Singapore to set themselves apart through extracurricular involvement, essays, testimonials, and focused interests. US universities love students who are passionate about a particular hobby or project.

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Make a list of your qualifications

Making a list of your qualifications will help you realise where you need to pay more attention and where you are good to go.

Check out the scholarship requirements and write everything down, then begin to tick which ones you currently qualify for at the moment and which ones you need to work on.

It is important to start this process early because it provides ample time to catch up on your qualifications.

While in secondary school or tertiary education, you should boost your grades, be more involved in extracurricular activities and community services, and find interests that you are passionate about.

You should also build good connections with your teachers because good testimonials from them will really help your application process.

Go for the less-visited countries

There are tons of scholarships available for students who are willing to go off the popular path. It is understandable why everyone wants to attend popular schools because of their recognition and familiarity, but you are more likely to earn a scholarship if you choose institutions in less-visited countries.

The algorithm is simple: if over 1000 students apply for a scholarship in New York, your chances of getting the scholarship are 1:1000. However, if 50 students apply for a scholarship in Jacksonville, then your odds are 1:50.


A lack of money does not have to stand between you and your educational route, and neither should your nationality.

Applying for scholarships may be a challenging and difficult process but you should keep trying for the rewards that you would receive. Stay resilient and always motivate yourself when it gets tough.

If you have plans to study abroad, use your time wisely to create a good portfolio early!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.