SmileTutor Blog Students Exam Tips How Much Can You Improve on Your GRE Score

How Much Can You Improve on Your GRE Score

If you took either the practice or the actual GRE test, you might be wondering if there’s a way you can improve on your GRE score.

Your GRE scores mean everything if you want to get to the graduate school you want. If you score slightly lower than the required score, you may miss this year’s application date.

To help you, we will look into the factors affecting your GRE score and how you can improve it.

Can you make big improvements on the GRE?

Many examinees often wonder if it is possible to improve their GRE scores. Some believe that you can only take the test once and that is it. Whatever your score is for that test, that’s the score you have for the GRE.

It is possible to improve your GRE score even if you already took the test. The main key in doing this is by knowing where you made the most errors and learn how to answer them in your retake. You can also identify which areas you are not very good in and learn the structure of the GRE test.

How Much Can You Improve Your GRE Score?

Before you go ahead with your review for the retake, you should know how much time you need to study.

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Down below is our estimate on how much time you need to study to make up points for both sections of the GRE test.

– 5 points = 40 hours

– 10 points = 80 hours

– 20 points = 160 hours

– 30 points = 240 hours

– 40 points = 320 hours

3 Factors That Can Affect These Numbers

Our estimate on how much time you need to study to make up points is just an estimate. Several factors may influence how much time you need to make up these points.

Length of Study Time

If you have studied a lot, you may need a few more hours to make up the score you want. The way you study in the first few hours of the day will also affect the effectiveness of your study. During these first few hours, you are more focused and remember critical facts.

Once you learnt the key facts that affect your score, it may influence how much improvements it can bring. You may end up having to do more in-depth study to master the topics you have problems on.

If you think you studied enough in your first try of the GRE, you can reduce your study time easily. You already know the test. All you need to do is refine on the areas you had problems with.

How Quickly You Learn

You should also be familiar with how fast you learn new concepts and details. If you need time to understand concepts, you will need longer study time.

However, if you learn new things easily, you may be able to make up those points you missed in the first test.

How effective is your study method

Of course, your study methods can also affect how well you do in your GRE and how fast you can master it.

If your methods include looking into your bad subjects and correct them, you will see visible improvements with your score. If you want to refresh your memory, it may not help you as well as you want it to be.

What if you want to raise your GRE score more than 30 points?

If, for some reason, you want a 30-point or more increase in your GRE score, is it possible?

It is possible, but it may take a lot of time to work on it. You may need to revise your entire study plan and the way you take on the GRE.

If you want to play it safe, you can get the help of a specialized GRE tutor that can identify the best way you can do the GRE and how you can avoid making critical errors.

Top 3 Tips to Maximize Your GRE Score Potential

While you prepare for your retake, here are some tips you can do to increase your chances in making the score you want.

1. Organize Your Study Schedule

When you know how much time you need to work on GRE, you should create a study schedule to match it. Pick the time when you know you will not be distracted too much and merge it with your daily schedule.

You can also add goals for each study schedule.

For example, “After a week, I could already remember Sun Tzu’s Art of War.” These goals can definitely inspire you to move forward and help you stay on track before the test.

2. Know Where You Had Problems

A great way to improve your GRE score is knowing which areas in the test gave your problems. As you look over your test, check the section and take note of it.

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Once you know where you made major errors, align your studies to these areas. It will help you focus and improve on it so you don’t have to worry about it in the retake.

3. Take Practice Tests

Some GRE takers often ignore the GRE Practice Tests because they believe it is a waste of time. There are a few who would even say it will not be written like the real test.

Practice GRE Tests are actually helpful when you are trying out for the test. If you use accredited reviewers, there will be a practice GRE Test included in it to help you prepare.

When you study, take advantage of these mock tests and see how well you did. If your score is not good, look at the problems you made a mistake and revise your review. Try to do as many mock exams as possible and pit yourself against the given test time.

Final Thoughts

If your original GRE score is not the score you want, don’t think it is all over. You can still retake the test and improve your score by changing your study time and preparations.

The more time you prepare, the fewer mistakes you can make. The things you already know, how well your strategy is and how fast you learn will also help you out.

So, don’t give up! Good luck!

For more tips and tricks on scoring well in GRE, here are some articles to help you:

Retaking the GRE: Should You Actually Do It?
Essential Strategies to Boost Your GRE Math Score

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.