SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students How Do Homework Help Students?

How Do Homework Help Students?

One of the reasons why the educational system in Singapore is the best in the world is that the students spend an average of 9.4 hours each week on homework. Studies have indicated that homework can help children learn independently, understand concepts better, and hone their problem-solving skills.

However, too much homework can also be too stressful for students to complete. While it can vary for different schools and students, homework assignments should be given in moderation so as to allocate time to rest and to grow in other areas.

Let’s look at how homework can help students!

To hone their skills

Homework assignments can help them develop the skills they need as they grow older. It instills in them a sense of responsibility along with organizational and planning skills.

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This is the most important benefit of homework – to nurture beliefs about skills and learning associated with academic success. If homework is eliminated or greatly reduced, it will deprive students of the chance to learn these skills and habits.

Enhances student achievement

Research has shown that homework can improve the achievement of students in terms of exam results, grades, and the likelihood of attending college.

Studies have also indicated that students who spend time each day on their homework scored better on exams compared to students who didn’t do homework.

This means that homework can lead to higher GPAs and a better probability of attending universities. Students who went to university have done more than 3 hours of extra homework each week when they were in secondary school.

Getting extra help

Students may struggle with finding time to study, especially when dealing with so many subjects and homework. If I were a student who needs extra help with homework, I would hire expert to do my homework assignment. However, do note that such service should only be used for references only. Cheating or plagiarism are severely dealt with in school!

Alternatively, engaging a private tutor can help with revision and homework. This will allow students more time to accomplish all their other tasks too and be able to develop themselves in other areas such as physical or musical talents!

Encourages mastery through practice

Assigning homework for students is an excellent example of how you can encourage them to practice. For students and parents, practicing consistently will remain the standard that will serve several purposes.

For instance, giving homework to students also gives them the opportunity to reinforce the concepts they learned. And the work they complete would contribute to their grades. Parents can also use homework to find out what their children learn in school and even guide their children in their learning experience.

This could be very useful as the parents can also inform teachers or tutors when their children struggle.

Although homework has the right intention in terms of reinforcement, it often lacks focus. For example, teachers who send homework that’s too difficult or about a concept that they just introduced in class can make the students feel stressed.

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Instead of offering benefits, such homework can become a reinforcement of frustration, doubt, or worse, a reinforcement of incorrect skills or information.

Remember that that doing something repeatedly is good only if it’s informed and targeted and if you provide consistent and timely feedback.

To increase parent involvement

Another important aspect of homework is the role parents play. In Singapore, parents are especially meticulous when it comes to helping their children complete their homework.

They understand the significance of education in helping their children have a brighter future.

On average, a student in Singapore spends around 2 hours doing their homework each day. This time can already spell the difference between a high achiever and a weak student.

Therefore, parents make sure that those 2 hours are very productive and the time will help their children practice so that they will excel in school and in their future studies.

Especially in times of online education, when there is limited help available from teachers and other fellow students, parents play a greater role in guiding the students through the education process.

To build good study habits and life skills

Finally, giving homework can also develop key skills in your students that they will need for the rest of their lives. These skills include accountability, discipline, autonomy, self-direction, time management, independent problem-solving, and critical thinking.

Students who engage themselves in self-regulatory skills like time management, staying focused, and goal-setting while at the same time completing their homework are more motivated in general.

They will turn out to be higher achievers compared to those who don’t engage in these essential processes.


Giving students high-quality homework will improve their achievement and allow the development of independent life and learning skills.

Homework will also give parents the chance to monitor their children’s learning and keep track of their academic progress.

While striving for academics is important, parents and teachers alike should also remember to give students plenty of rest. All the best!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.