SmileTutor Blog Parents Key Decisions Holiday Camp in Singapore — Best Way to Keep Your Child Busy on Holidays

Holiday Camp in Singapore — Best Way to Keep Your Child Busy on Holidays

[Image by Newtonshow Camp]

With the holidays coming up, many parents will be looking out for ways to keep their children occupied. Fortunately, there are many holiday camps around now in Singapore.

If you are looking to instill a love for Science and learning in your child, then you are at the right article!

Why Science Camps?

Children start learning Science as a subject in Primary 3.  Learning Science makes it possible for children to push their boundaries to explore the unknown and unfamiliar things. It will also develop their abilities to solve problems, ask questions, and develop theories. Children love puzzles and unexpected discoveries!

At the Newtonshow Holiday Camp in Singapore, children will get theoretical knowledge and practical skills, meet new friends, and have fun! Parents will see the delight in the eyes of their children who are eager to learn about new discoveries in Math, Physics, and Chemistry.

Science Holiday Camps for Children at Newtonshow

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[Image by Newtonshow Camp]

Scientists never cease to amaze us with their experiments. They never stop asking the most unexpected questions and getting unpredictable results.

The Newtonshow has gathered a brilliant team of specialists who know about all the wonderful experiments in various sciences and select the most spectacular and exciting of them for the programs of the holiday camp. At the same time, these experiments are absolutely safe and can be easily repeated by any child!

Currently, the Newton Show is happy to offer the following exciting holiday camp programs:

1) Autumn Camp

2) Christmas Camp

3) Mid-Season Camp

4) Chinese New Year Camp

5) Easter Camp

6) Summer Camp

Parents can choose for their children both a Thematic Science camp and a Multi-Activity camp. Each day will be devoted to one of the following topics: science, robots, art, and cooking.

At the camp, children will receive both theoretical knowledge presented in a fun way and valuable practical skills. Thanks to cheerful and responsive mentors, children will:

  • Learn about different areas of science, including physics, chemistry, biology, and others.
  • Develop critical thinking skills through original tasks and creative challenges.
  • Get acquainted with the basics of robotics, coding, and testing new technologies.
  • Implement their own engineering projects.
  • Discover various promising career paths that can captivate them and help to determine their future profession.
  • Learn how to cook healthy and delicious food.
  • Express their emotions and ideas in pieces of art.
  • Work in a team, learning from others and sharing their own experience.

Exciting Activities of the Newtonshow Holiday Camp for Children

[Image by Newtonshow Camp]

At the Newtonshow camp, children will be provided with all the tools necessary to create, cook, experiment, or build machines.

You won’t have to worry about anything! Every day, parents will receive photos and videos so they can also feel the atmosphere of the Newtonshow camp!

During the Science camp, they will get answers to a lot of intriguing questions:

  • How the human body works.
  • What can robots do if they are programmed correctly?
  • How to build a small Great Wall of China?
  • What are the benefits of using polymers?
  • What can be obtained with the help of magical chemical reactions?

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[Image by Newtonshow Camp]

During each camp, children will participate in exciting competitions, such as snowball throwing with the help of special machines, robot battles, and Lego engineering.

With their own hands, children will create many incredible crafts that they can take home:

  • Building DNA
  • Greenhouse construction
  • Christmas kite
  • Amazing periscope
  • Robots of various designs
  • 3D wooden crafts

Benefits of Visiting Newtonshow Kids Camp Singapore

[Image by Newtonshow Camp]

Here are some benefits that Newtonshow Camp offers!

1) There is a team of professionals who knows the best way to interact with children and keep them interested!

2) Children will always be aware of the latest scientific and engineering achievements. All creative kits in the camp are modern and multifunctional. Scientific experiments are conducted with the use of the most up-to-day equipment.

3) Children will not just observe scientific experiments but also participate in a role-playing game.

4) Children will meet a team of enthusiastic peers with whom it will be fun and exciting to go on real scientific journeys in adulthood.

5) Children will spend holidays with the use both for the mind and body: they will be charged with positive energy and new knowledge!

Unforgettable Holidays with Newtonshow Camp

[Image by Newtonshow Camp]

Holiday camps are a great way for children to learn AND have fun at the same time! Children can learn new things without the pressure of any tests and exams. It is also a great way to socialise with other children from different backgrounds which helps them in honing social skills.

A holiday camp can also encourage less screen time! Registering for a holiday camp that has activities specially curated for their interests can let them a fulfilling holiday. Have fun!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.