SmileTutor Blog Students Exploring the Aftermath of Cheating in Exams

Exploring the Aftermath of Cheating in Exams


Have you ever thought about cheating or have attempted to cheat in your exams?

All of us know that cheating is wrong, but some of us have actually cheated in exams. Academic dishonesty is a huge risk to take when it comes to your future.

So how serious is cheating really? In this article, we will discuss more about the psychology, and concrete consequences of such an offense.

Why Do Students Cheat?


The act of cheating comes from a place of desperation. Desperation of a student can have many causes, such as poor time management, high stress levels, fear of failure, peer pressure, or even the feeling that one “can get away with it”.

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This tunnel vision becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, creating the impression that cheating is the “only way”.

More commonly, the desire to cheat comes from the expectations of a high-stake assessment. When an examination is described to be a significant milestone in your life, you can also feel a strong pressure to succeed.

The Consequences of Cheating


So what happens when you are caught cheating? What’s next for you? You’ll not be facing jail time, but you’re certainly not going to have a good time.

Criminal Bias, Losing Social Identity

A “bias”, or an unfavorable label is almost always pasted on your back when the case is put to light. Cheating is heavily frowned upon in a meritocratic country, and casts one’s personal morals into question. You are likely to be ostracized by people who know of the incident.

Work Rejection

When the involvement of academic dishonesty is raised to the severity of a court case and publicized, it will be difficult to cover up your misdeed. 

In this case, you can find yourself in a quagmire of quiet rejections by prospective employers. It may become difficult to find a trustworthy, reliable job as morals are valued as a basic prerequisite in working society.


The one person that might feel the most hurt out of academic dishonesty might just be yourself. Even if the act was left undiscovered, you may, in the long run, feel guilty about the falsified achievement and hurt your own confidence and self-respect. The invisible ramifications brought about cheating can slowly stunt personal growth in various other aspects of your life.

Escaping the Mindset of Failure


So how do you begin to veer yourself off the self-destructive course of cheating? Dissuade yourself of negativity through these steps. 

1) Do not take in stress and trouble alone

Confide in a close friend, or a family member. People who are older often carry years of wisdom, and they may give you the solution to your troubles.

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2) Employ a personal tutor or mentor

Whether you require a better study method, or simply someone to talk you out of a bad headspace, borrowing the assistance of a trained professional can often be the answer.

3) Find ways to destress

Break out of your comfort zone and find ways to relieve yourself of mental tension. Revisit the idea of cheating when you have clarity of mind. Can you really say that cheating is a sound idea now?

Cheating, Reflection & Self-Improvement


Cheating will always be accompanied with a negative connotation to your character. When you’re at a crossroad, consider the aftermath for both you and your surroundings.

Seeking help and focusing on self-improvement is a better approach than cheating in exams. Cheating may seem like a quick and easy solution, but it won’t benefit you in the long run. It will only undermine your skills and abilities, and hinder your progress in achieving your academic goals. 

With the many resources available out there, learn to identify your weaknesses, learn new skills, and build your confidence. 

Always remember that self-improvement is a continuous process, and the more you invest in yourself, the more you will succeed in the future.

To read more about this topic, check out a few of our related articles below.


A Story About Cheating In A Test

Tips To Prevent Students From Cheating During A Test

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.
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