8 Educational New Year’s Eve Games for Children

31 December 2022

[iStock] It’s the holidays and it’s time to have fun, but that doesn’t mean the learning stops here!  There are many things you can do...

7 Ways Parents Can Support Their Child If They Repeat Junior College

15 December 2022

Junior college can be an intense experience. For some students, the academic demands of junior-level courses are more than they're prepared for. Some struggle with...

How to Build Up Your Child’s Mental Resilience

03 December 2022

[iStock] Singapore’s education system - though known for its success in producing excellent students, can be extremely stressful for students. This is why it is...

How to Give Your Child a Head Start for the Next Academic Year

29 November 2022

[Pexels] In Singapore, it is common practice for parents to give their children a head start for the new academic year. After all, this eases...

Preparing Your Child for Secondary School

05 November 2022

[theAsianparent] In Singapore’s education system, the transition from primary to secondary school is a major transition that students must go through. This often leads to...

6 Tips for Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child

01 November 2022

[iStock] What is emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence or emotional quotient (EQ) is the ability to recognise, understand and manage your own emotions. It is also...