SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students 6 Useful Hobbies that Students can Pick Up over their March Holidays

6 Useful Hobbies that Students can Pick Up over their March Holidays

The long-awaited March school holidays are here! Students can finally take a much-needed break week.

This year, the holiday will be from the 12th to the 20th of March.

Here’s a list of useful hobbies that you can try out with your extra time!


Crocheting is a popular hobby because of how you are able to express creativity by taking creation into your own hands. You can Do-It-Yourself (DIY) the products that you make by creating your favourite designs or incorporating your name on them.

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For those who like keeping collectibles, you can keep a collection of crochet plushies or give them to your loved ones! But if you’re more into practicalities, you can make useful items such as bags, clothes, hats, and even sell them.

Crocheting takes up a low cost, all you need is time!

Because it can occupy you for hours depending on what you make, it builds your patience and gives you an immense amount of satisfaction when you complete your product.

It is therapeutic for many because it takes your mind off of things during the process!


With the onset of video streaming services such as YouTube, vlogging has become a profitable hobby to have. Besides the possibility of being able to monetise it if you’re successful, it is also a great way to document your endeavours and fun times. It will be nostalgic to look back upon!

Since it is the March holidays, you can consider filming your day out with your friends and capturing interesting footage. 

Plus, videography and video editing skills are very sought-after nowadays. It is a great opportunity to hone your skills while you’re younger, so that you will have lots of content in your portfolio!


Similar to vlogging, blogging allows you to keep a recollection of your life, but through words! It can also be very powerful because it reaches out to those who prefer to write and read.

Since writing is a component that you can’t run away from, blogging is a good practice to hone your writing skills.

You can write about your daily life, topics that you’re passionate about, or anything really. You can also learn to substantiate your writing with pictures that you take.

It is also a great addition to your portfolio!

Pick up a new instrument

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Learning a new instrument is time-consuming because it takes a lot of practice. What better time to do so than during your holidays?

If you manage to master an instrument during the holidays, you can then practice the instrument every once in a while! Music is known to relieve stress.

There are many types of instruments with different sounds and tunes for you to explore. Who knows, you might discover a new instrument that you’re obsessed with!

Learn a new sport

There are also countless types of sports that you can try out. You can even switch up the rules of the sport that you’re used to playing so that there is an element of freshness. 

Doing sport is a healthy way to have fun as it gets you up and moving, which is a rare opportunity when you’re still in school.

Studies have shown that sports can help you to learn better and build your teamwork skills.


Cooking is a survival skill that is necessary for you to learn sooner or later, as you approach adulthood. It’s good to start early, as practice makes perfect!

If you have had the privilege of having your meals cooked for you, it’s time to learn to be independent! 

You can cook a meal for your parents to impress them and thank them. Cooking at home is also a much cheaper alternative as compared to eating out.

Learning to cook can be a lot of fun as you explore different flavours and ingredients. Cooking at home is not only fun but will also encourage cooking healthy.


Art is very versatile and comes in different forms. There are many different ways that you can express yourself through drawing, painting, creating sculptures etc.

It is a therapeutic yet fun hobby that can unleash your creativity and build confidence.

The best thing about creating art is that there are no limits or rules and you are free to explore and push boundaries.

If you haven’t already, you can start picking up art by deciding on the type of art that sounds the most exciting to you, before watching online videos on how you can create what you want.


It is beneficial to explore new things while you’re young when you have more time to figure out what you like and dislike.

We hope that after reading this article, you would have picked out something new that you want to try. Use your time wisely this March holiday to improve yourself while having fun at the same time!

What is your favourite hobby and why? Share it with us in the comments below!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.