SmileTutor Blog Parents Key Decisions 15 Early Intervention and Inclusive Preschools in Singapore

15 Early Intervention and Inclusive Preschools in Singapore


Every child should be given the best education that their country can provide, especially for children with learning or developmental disability like ADHD.

Fortunately, there are many early intervention schools and inclusive preschools across the country that you can choose from for your children. These schools can help your children reach their potential as they are equipped with the right equipment and teachers who can adjust the course learning to your children’s learning speed.

Here are 15 of the best early intervention and inclusive preschools in the country that you can look into for your children:

ABC Center in Singapore

ABC Center Singapore is one of the longest educational institutions in the country that offers special education for children with autism and other disabilities. For 30 years, they have been utilising their unique Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) method to help children with special needs to be ready for school and develop key life skills like these that they will need in the future.

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The school offers an Early Preps Preschool for children from 3 to 6 years old to help them get used to studying in groups while following their personalised educational programme. This ensures that they will be able to join a school, either traditional or special needs school, when they grow older.


KidsFirst offers an extensive learning environment for children ages 2 to 12 years old who have cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, global development delay, autism, and others. The centre has a team of highly experienced specialists who will assess each student and design the right programme to follow for their education.

There is also a Paediatric Therapy programme available that is conducted through 1-hour sessions and group interventions. This programme is created to help students achieve learning and development milestones.

KidzRock International Preschool

KidzRock International School is one of the country’s first full Special Education preschools. They offer a variety of educational programmes to meet the needs of children with special needs and provide them with the skills they need for school.

Their programme also focuses on five major tenants: communication, cognition, social adaptation, gross motor and fine motor. Teacher to student ratio is also good since 1 teacher is assigned to 3 children.

Bridge Learning

For families looking for an early intervention school for children as young as 7 months and as old as 12 years old, you should consider Bridge Learning. The institution uses the Dynamic Diagnostic Assessment (DDA) process, a special system that determines a child’s learning preference with games and activities that they can enjoy.

Once the results are determined, the institution will provide the Individualised Developmental and Progress Profiling (IDPP) that highlights the child’s learning level and identifies the programmes they can take to help with their studies. Moreover, parents will be able to get help from the institution to assist, keep track, and monitor their children’s studies and progress.


In the Kaleidoscope Therapy Centre, parents will be involved in the therapy process and will be given full guidance to help them understand how they can help their children with their studies.

Aside from this, the institution has a ‘Ready Let’s Go’ programme that utilises a play-based intervention method to help children improve their life skills and provide the support they need. Some of the activities will focus on sensory exploration, movement, social, and language skills.


Think Kids

Another institution that offers the ABA programme for children with learning disabilities and special needs is Think Kids. The institution is open for children as young as 18 months up to teenagers.

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They offer personalised programmes that will help children learn key skills with the team’s therapists through one-on-one learning. Parents and their caretakers would also be given assistance and training. Moreover, the resident psychologists will be on standby to monitor the children’s progress.

The Growing Academy

Like the ABC Center Singapore, The Growing Academy utilises the ABA principles to help students adapt to traditional and special learning.

They offer preschool programmes that will allow students to get used to various activities with their peers and improve their communication skills in the process. Students will also be guided by therapists and teachers to help them learn more about themselves and improve their academic and social skills.

Wee Care

For Wee Care, they provide a safe environment for students to get all the support they need. They use both individual and group therapy sessions to help students who have problems keeping up with the world to overcome them.

They also offer a Kidz Club where children can meet their peers and help with their social skills.

Nurture Pods

At Nurture Pods, children will be given a holistic and effective learning environment that will help them reach their fullest potential as students.

They are committed to giving every student a chance to get a quality education, and as a consequence, they offer programmes that can also be done at home. Aside from this, they offer workshops and resources about early intervention programmes to parents.

Kindle Garden

Kindle Garden provides a unique learning experience for children as they focus on five major pillars: relationship, partnership, diversity, personalisation, and accessibility.

Every student will get a personalised lesson plan to follow to help them with their development and character. They have a programme for toddlers and kids, and it is all-inclusive to help children grow.

Rainbow Centre

If you want to get involved and learn more about your child’s disability, you should check out the Rainbow Centre.

The centre features a unique Early Intervention Programme that will get everyone in the family to help their children get through their education. Four sub-programmes are available to accommodate the children’s learning requirements.


All Hands Together

All Hands Together is another great facility to consider if you want your child to have personalised learning but still help them be familiarised with various learning styles. The school follows the NEL framework, designed by the Ministry of Education but adjusts it to utilise the right learning styles that match the student’s preference.

They also offer learning programmes where they can send a tutor for your child, or you will be given all the materials you need to help your children at home.

Bright Path

A child-centred approach is used at the Bright Path Preschool to help children with special disabilities. They customise the lessons for each student to help them achieve academic success and independence.

This institution has a very experienced team, including a bilingual psychologist.  The team extensively helps the students in their education, and they also connect to other experts to provide further assistance if needed.

Mighty Oaks

Mighty Oaks is connected to Kaleidoscope as its educational division. They cater to children ages 3 to 6 years old who have language, sensory, and attention disability.

To help these students, they utilise the DIR/Floortime method, which focuses on interactions and building relationships. Children will also be provided with speech and occupational therapy sessions for 3 hours, two times a week.

The Early Intervention Centre (EIC)

EIC provides targeted and personalised educational programmes for children with behavioural problems, autism, developmental delays and intellectual disabilities.

They also provide a variety of services for children to help them with their challenges. The staff regularly trains to ensure that they are up-to-date with the best techniques to help their students.


With the number of special education schools available around the country, it can be challenging to select the best school for your children. These 15 schools can get your search started and make sure to take your time and see if whether the school you selected will help your children in the long run.

For more articles on special needs students, here are some:

Top 10 Autism Apps for Children with Special Needs
Dyscalculia in Singapore: Why can’t I Excel in Math?

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.