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The Upsides And Downsides Of Holidays

(Pexels – Irina Iriser)

Holidays are days we all look forward to every year.

It serves as a break from our usual routines and provides opportunities for rejuvenation. 

No matter if you are a student who needs a break from stressful school work, a teacher who needs a break from marking schoolwork, or a parent who needs their own break, everyone equally anticipates holidays. 

However, no matter how beneficial and relaxing we think holidays are, they still have their potential downsides. This article examines both the pros and cons of holidays.

Upsides of Holidays

The parts of holidays that we look forward to include:

Rest and Relaxation

(Pexels – Lisa Fotios)

Well, this is quite obvious, isn’t it? We all want holidays so we can rest and recharge our bodies to get ready for the next time we go back to our usual routines. 

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Most of us think of this as an escape from the harsh reality of life and most of our responsibilities, so we just do what we want for that short period. 

This period of relaxation helps our overall well-being and increases our work efficiency when we get back.

Quality Time With Loved Ones

(Pexels – Manny Rodriguez)

Holidays provide opportunities for us to stay at home as well as spend quality time with our family and friends.

Since it’s the holidays, everyone will be more relaxed and in a good mood, which creates a fun and comforting atmosphere no matter where we go or what we do with them. 

Through these shared experiences, we get to spend more bonding time with them and create long-lasting memories to reminisce about.

Personal Reflection and Growth

(Pexels – Mohammad Danish)

Holidays also serve as periods of self-reflection and personal development. 

It can be through any kind of action or process, such as reading books, journaling, or just laying on the bed and thinking

This process of reflection helps us take a good look at our current life situations and maintain or set new goals and aspirations to lead a more meaningful life.

Downsides of Holidays

The parts of holidays that we do not look forward to include:

Financial Strain

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(Pexels – cottonbro studio)

Of course, our wallets will still be crying while we take our breaks

In fact, we may even spend more as many of us choose to travel overseas during the longer holidays, and even travelling within our own country comes at a high cost too. 

For some of us, the financial burden can reverse the effect of holidays on us and instead cause us to be more stressed.

Work and School Interruptions

(Unsplash –  Annie Spratt )

Although holidays exist for us to take a break from work or school, we end up missing out on additional time for studying and doing work, which can affect our work or academic progress. 

Additionally, sometimes it can be tough to transition and adjust back to our regular routines for school or work after holidays.

Social and Family Obligations

(Pexels – Nicole Michalou)

For some of us, holidays also mean that we may be expected to attend family gatherings or social events. 

Although it’s a good opportunity for us to deepen our relationships with those involved, it can be seen as us being obligated to do so. 

Similarly to financial strain, this can also cause us to become even more tired and stressed.


(Unsplash – Dahee Son)

Now that you have read through the article, you have a better idea of the upsides and potential downsides of holidays. 

By acknowledging both sides, you can make better and more efficient use of the holidays to give yourself the break you deserve!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.