SmileTutor Blog General Singapore Education News The Success Of Singapore’s Education System

The Success Of Singapore’s Education System

A while back Singapore was an undeveloped country. Today, it is one of the most developed countries. The Singapore education system is considered one of the best in the world. Some even say that it is a masterpiece that must not be changed.

Let’s see why this is the case!

Education is a Priority

Education is considered a priority to the country and as such it is changed and updated on a regular basis.

This means that the education system will always meet the latest standards. Singapore is also home to some of the highest paying jobs in education which does make things easier and more appealing. Private tutors are also in high demand!

The Ministry of Education has a huge role in all of this. A good leadership can make the entire system even better and more appealing. Teachers are also carefully chosen to make sure that students are taught by the best teachers who have also excelled in their own academics.

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The curriculums are constantly updated to keep up with the world and this means that Singapore students are always learning new things.

The downside of the education system is that people can become highly competitive, both students and parents alike. This can make studying very stressful and can affect the mental health of many students.

Parents are Important

Other than being the main caregivers, parents have a huge role in education as well. Parent-Teacher meetings are held every single year so parents can get updates on their children from the form teachers.

The purpose of this is to ensure that there is an open communication available for the parents.

At the same time, teachers are also able to feedback to the parents on what they can do to help the child. A parent support group is important here and makes educational success easier and more pronounced.

Every Students Learn Differently

Every single person absorbs information differently. It is perfectly normal and something you already knew.

Well, here the system has a high capability to realize this and to offer every student the ability to learn how he wants and how he can. We have different streams in secondary schools and remedial lessons are offered to students who needs a little more help after the actual lesson.

Tertiary education are also available in junior colleges, polytechnics as well as institutes of technical education.

While it can be largely dependant on the student’s results on where they are headed, students have a choice to make as well. Not forgetting special needs education are also available here.

The curriculums are also often updated to ensure that all students are given the same opportunities when it comes to learning.

Many parents also seek tuition as extra help from private tutors, tuition or enrichment centres. There are also subsidies available for lower-income families.

Homework and Projects

I believe that homework and projects are given to almost every student in the world. And it is not a favourite activity for many students. However, homework helps in many ways such as revision and encourage discipline when it comes to academics.

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Additionally, projects can help in scoring high marks for the overall results. Projects can be either individually or in a group. In a Straits Time article in 2014, we were one of the few countries known to spend the most time on homework. On average, students spent about 9 hours a week on homework.

Those who spent time on their homework could also see results when it came to their exams. The key to completing homework is to not procrastinate and ask for help whenever they need to.

For example, sometimes it can be hard for students when it comes to essay writing. There are online resources such as that can help students with it but it is important to only use it as a form of reference to kickstart the essay.

Plagiarism is a serious matter.

Final Word

Now you know why Singapore has one the best education system. Many would travel to Singapore just to study here in Singapore.  Do remember that while academics are important, taking breaks and resting are also essential when it comes to attaining great results in exams!

We hope that this article has been helpful for you!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.