SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Tuition in Singapore

How Tutors can Better Influence Students’ Results

17 July 2020

As a tutor, it is important that you know how to help your students discover their strengths and help them overcome their weaknesses. Like teachers,...

Tutor’s Survival Guide for Dealing with Difficult Parents

01 July 2020

Dealing with difficult parents can be a nightmare for tutors. Although they are only being difficult because they want what is best for their children,...

Changes to National Exams in 2020: List of Topics Removed from PSLE, N Level, O Level and A Level

26 June 2020

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Singapore Schools from all levels were closed for 2 months and online learning was made the alternative to help students keep up...

The Cheapest International Schools in Singapore

23 June 2020

International schools are known for having expensive school fees that continue to increase each year. However, enrolling a child in these schools offers a lot...

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