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Must read articles for Learning resources

Beyond the Classroom: How Libraries Support Student Learning and Achievement

24 August 2023

(Pexels - Element5 Digital) Every school has a library, yet not every student goes there often. You probably don’t either. This is because most of...

The Benefits of Private Tuition in Singapore: Is It Worth It?

23 August 2023

Singapore has long been hailed as a global leader in academic achievement. It has an excellent educational system that provides students with a robust learning...

Tech Integration: Why Students Should Have Smartphones in Class

08 August 2023

(Pexels - Gabriel Freytez) Smartphones have become something that we can’t live without in today’s digital age.  We use them to do almost everything: texting,...

The Power of Words: Exploring the Benefits of Studying Literature 

03 August 2023

(Pexels - Caio) Are you at the stage in Secondary school where you are required to choose what humanities to take for upper Secondary? Or...

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