SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Early Childhood

Kinderland Incident: Who Is Really to Blame for the Recent Preschool Abuse Case

14 September 2023

[The Straits Times] It’s happening again. A taboo of society, happening in the unlikeliest of places.  A recent preschool abuse incident blew up in social...

Unleash Your Child’s Culinary Passion at the Ultimate Cooking Camp!

07 September 2023

[Pexels] As a parent who cooks, we like to see our children enjoy the food that we make. But ever thought of bringing that passion...

Breaking Stereotypes: 5 Creative Digital Projects You Can Do with Your Kids

06 September 2023

[Pexels] In today’s digital age, our kids have become remarkably adept at operating electronic devices.  While it is normal to have worries about needing to...

Singapore’s Autumn Camp: Where Tradition Meets Modern Fun!

05 September 2023

[Pexels] In the heart of Southeast Asia, where skyscrapers and busy streets fill the nightscape like stars, lies our small yet restless country.  But no...

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