SmileTutor Blog

Must read articles for Building Confidence

Character and Intelligence: What’s more important in students?

14 February 2022

Character is everything. A person who has a good character tends to have a good personality that attracts people.   Character is used to describe a...

6 Ways to Teach Children to Be Independent

08 February 2022

When they were a newborn, babies relied on their parents for survival. But in a blink of an eye, they learn to walk, to talk,...

4 Useful Ways to Boost Your Student’s Motivation

31 January 2022

Motivation is one of the biggest factors for success. When a student is able to put their mind to work hard, anything is possible to...

6 Ways Busy Students can Earn a Passive Income

25 January 2022

As a student, you may feel limited by the fixed amount of pocket money that you receive from your parents. It might just be enough...

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