SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips How To Teach Your Singapore Child To Love Reading From A Young Age

How To Teach Your Singapore Child To Love Reading From A Young Age

Reading is one of the great joys of life. Every child should be taught how to read at an early age. This will develop their interest in reading early, and continue with them as they grow older. Starting your children on reading early in life will be beneficial when they start attending school and having tuition sessions.

There are several benefits to teaching your kids how to read at an early age. These benefits are social, mental, emotional, and behavioral. Reading exposes your kids to new things, new worlds, new concepts. Reading broadens their vocabulary and their imagination. Reading makes them more eager to know about the world around them.

Why Teach Your Children To Read So Early?

Creating habits in children are the easiest way to make sure that they stick with them throughout their life. Reading is a habit that has to be cultivated. Look at as home-schooling your children before they can actually start school. You are their tutor, they are you willing students.

Teaching them early gives them a lasting love of reading. Whether it’s fiction or school books, your kids will know and appreciate the value of reading.

Reading will also broaden the horizons. They will develop fast thinking abilities. They will understand how to give their views and how to effectively defend them.

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And reading will make life vastly more interesting for them.

How Do You Encourage Your Kids To Like Reading From A Tender Age?

1. Let Them See You Reading  

More often than not, parents are always on their cell phones or tabs or iPads. Sometimes you are too busy to spend much time at home. Children learn a great deal from watching you, the parents. It would be difficult to get them to read when they never see you read.

Reading isn’t just for kids or children in school. You need to unwind with a book as well. Make it a habit to read where your kids can see you. They may even ask you about what you are reading.

Engage them in a discussion about the book. Make it look like an interesting activity. Your kids will want to read because you find reading interesting.

2. Start Reading To Them When They Are Newborns

Don’t wait for your kids to start talking before you teach them to read. Read to them when they are still babies. Parents in Singapore are almost always busy. Nevertheless, you need to create time to read to your babies.

What’s more, you can read them anything. They can’t understand what you are saying: it’s the cadence of your voice that they are hearing. Read them the evening paper, or some news headlines, or a storybook.

As they grow older you can settle on the literature you want to be reading to them. It has to be something interesting that will pique their curiosity. This will make them learn to read quickly. They will want to read those books by themselves.

If you are uncomfortable reading just about anything to your newborn, stick to children stories. Some people are of the opinion that whatever you say to a baby sticks in the subconscious. To be on the safe side, read them only child friendly material.

3.  Choose A Wide Selection Of Books

Don’t stick with certain books for your kids to read. Give them variety. Books on animals, flowers, trees, and birds. Get them books about Winnie the Pooh and the Berenstein Bears. Get them comic books about superheroes. Get them autobiographical books and poetry.

There should be a large selection of books cutting across genres for your kids to enjoy. Make learning for your kids easier. With so many books from different genres to read, your kids will gain the advantage when they start school.

Getting a qualified English tutor in Singapore is not difficult. When the kids start school, the tutor can give them tuition at home and continue with their reading projects. The tutor can assign them a reading list, just like in school. Only, this reading list will be a bit unconventional. An eclectic mix of reading material is always healthy for the brain.

Let Your Kids Start Picking Their Own Books When They Are Little

Take your kids to the library or the bookstore on days they don’t have school or tuition. Show them the books stocks and set them loose. Letting them pick their own books is another way to make sure they read. Let them pick anything they fancy. Don’t bother yourself with their selections.

Chances are that they will pick very similar books, or books by one author. Let them have whatever it is they pick. You can always buy books for them to cover the genres.

The children will feel grown up and mature because you are letting them pick their own books. They will also feel responsible for their selections and will be sure to read them and tell you a lot of stories later.

Encourage Your Kids To Have Independent Reading Time 

Make reading an activity that your kids look forward to. Singapore parent schedules may be hectic, but make out time to read with your kids. Make them excited about the prospect of reading. It could be a bedtime story, or simply a few minutes you set aside for it.

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Read books and discuss them at length with your children. Let them give you some insight into the book. Share your thoughts as well. What you are doing is shaping their thought processes. Also, it helps them form arguments to explain their point of view on the book’s subject.

And that is how you can teach your kids to read at an early age. They will love it and you will love it as well. It would be better if you as the parent can read with them. However, getting a tutor to read with them is also helpful. But before they require a tutor, do your best to read with them.

You may find the following articles helpful in guiding your child’s growth:

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Singaporean Parents: Help your Child Learn English at Home


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.