SmileTutor Blog Students Exam Tips How to Score in Your LSAT Exams in 2022?

How to Score in Your LSAT Exams in 2022?

Thinking to attend law school in the United States or Canada? Then you will definitely know that you need to take the Law School Admissions Test or LSAT. Studying law can broaden your choice of career and be a great kickstart when you come back to your home country.

On that note, your LSAT score could make or break your probability of getting into the law school of your choice, even if you have a good GPA.

However, as long as you devote regular study time, follow the tips, and approach the test with confidence, you should be fine – perhaps even better than you expected!

What is LSAT?

The LSAT is a standardized exam law schools use to evaluate prospective candidates’ credentials.

It is intended to assess critical thinking, reading comprehension, information organization, and argument assessment abilities, all of which are essential for success in law school.

Students who want to go to law school must take the LSAT before submitting their applications to any school.

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Why should you take the LSAT?

The LSAT is one of the essential variables in judging a prospective student’s quality. It is needed for admittance to all law schools approved by the American Bar Association (ABA) like prestigious Brooklyn Law school and Harvard Law School.

Law schools use the LSAT score in conjunction with a number of other considerations, including a student’s GPA, letters of reference, academic qualifications, and professional experience, when determining a student’s prospective performance at the institution.

The LSAT is, without a doubt, the most crucial part of the application.

Exam structure

The LSAT is divided into six parts, each lasting 35 minutes. Reading Comprehension, Analytical Reasoning, and two Logical Reasoning parts are all multiple-choice questions, and four of these sections contribute toward your score.

The variable section, often known as the fifth part, is usually used to test new test questions or generate new test forms. This section’s placement will vary, and you won’t know which sections were unscored until you get your score report.

The last element is a writing sample that is not graded. All of the academic institutions to which you apply will get photocopies of your writing sample.

Keep it new and exciting

Reading the same stuff repeatedly may not help you remember anything if you do not understand what you are reading. Make a conscious effort to compose answers with your own words by hand. Then, attempt to switch up the sequence in which you learn things.

If you usually begin with logical reasoning and then move on to reading comprehension, consider starting with reading first, preparing the essay in the meantime, and then returning to reasoning the next day.

Such tactics will customize your learning and push your brain to think critically rather than memorize facts.

Excellence comes with practice

If you want to master the LSAT, you’ll need to devote a lot of time to solving practice problems. This is necessary for a variety of reasons. You may familiarise yourself with the format of exam questions by practicing LSAT practice problems.

You’ll also become familiar with the many levels of difficulty that are featured in exam questions because not every problem would be the same.

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You should also acquaint yourself with LSAT questions as much as possible before the test so that you are ready to take on anything the examination throws at you.

Prepare resources ahead of time

Of course, you would have found the nearest testing centre as well as have the financial means to apply for the test and study abroad. Once all of that is settled, it is time to prepare all the things you would need on the day of the exam, such as photo identification, pencils, erasers, and a watch (analog rather than digital, which is not permitted).

Students are advised that smartphones are not permitted in the testing center.

It is also recommended to purchase an analog watch with a rotating face so that test-takers could keep an eye on the minute hand and count down each 35-minute portion.


As it is hardly a stroll in the park, law school needs perseverance. We hope that these tips will assist you in achieving your goals, and we are confident that they will! Good luck.

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.