SmileTutor Blog Parents Key Decisions How does OWIS Ease the Transition from Primary to Secondary School?

How does OWIS Ease the Transition from Primary to Secondary School?

As your child transition from primary to secondary school, their learning and socio-emotional needs are changing as well. In an effort to meet these needs, it’s necessary for a secondary school to differ from a primary school in many ways.

Meeting and adjusting to new teachers and faculty can be stressful. In addition, the new surroundings and increased expectations of secondary school can cause culture shock to students who aren’t prepared.

For these reasons, One World International School (OWIS) begins working toward this important transition early. 

Here’s how OWIS strives to make the transition easier.

Transition Webinars

Every year, OWIS organises an orientation session to educate students and their families on what to expect in secondary school. For the past two years, the session has been conducted as a webinar due to COVID-19 concerns.

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Students and parents are encouraged to attend these sessions where our Senior Coordinators for secondary school and faculty outline the differences between primary and secondary learning at OWIS. The topics include:

  • Where classes will be held
  • Types of coursework covered
  • Understanding the role of form tutors
  • Introduction to Satchel
  • Expectations regarding the Secondary Six, the value system for older learners at the school
  • Homework concerns

For OWIS’ existing primary level students who are moving into secondary level, some aspects of the school day change, but others remain familiar. These include the length of the school day, the variety of extracurricular activities available and OWIS’ diverse, multicultural environment. 

When students and families understand what to expect, the transition becomes less stressful for everyone involved.

Graduation Ceremonies

OWIS holds a formal graduation ceremony each year for students passing from Primary Grade 5 to Secondary Grade 6.

This provides recognition for students’ achievements and celebrates the hard work and effort they’ve put in. It also encourages them to become excited about the next school year.

The OWIS Pastoral Care Programme

Many students join OWIS in Grade 6 from other schools within Singapore or other countries if they have recently relocated here. Through the Pastoral Care Programme, OWIS provides extra support for students to help prepare them for life in secondary school.

This programme focuses on form tutors, student agency, and six core values.

Role of Form Tutors

Secondary students meet with section form tutors every morning. These educators motivate them to do their best and encourage positive thinking through theme-based discussions and stimulating conversations.

They also offer support and advice to children if they are facing any stress or issues. Form tutors are the first point of contact for OWIS parents should a problem arise at school. 

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Importance of Agency

In the secondary classrooms, OWIS students work together to outline the rules and expectations for the year. These behaviour agreements are then posted inside the classroom where students can see and learn from them.

By playing an active role in the development of these guidelines, students have a clear understanding of what’s expected of them.

As adolescents or teenagers, they can feel that their voice and choice have been respected and they’re more invested in adhering to the guidelines they helped set forth.

Introduction of the Secondary Six

The Secondary Six refers to six values students and faculty are expected to exhibit at OWIS. They include:

  • Kindness
  • Respect
  • Positivity
  • Responsibility
  • Integrity
  • Relationships

When the school day revolves around these six characteristics, everyone feels free to relax and be themselves.

The atmosphere is conducive to learning, and diversity is embraced instead of questioned. Differences are cherished and encouraged, and no one feels bullied or silenced.

The team at OWIS nurtures these values in secondary students so that they are able to benefit from them long after they’ve left their halls of learning.

How to Support Your Child’s Transition to Secondary School at OWIS

As a parent, you play a vital role in helping prepare your child for future challenges. To help them transition more seamlessly from the primary to secondary grades, OWIS offers these suggestions:

  • Attend the orientation webinar with your child to get an understanding of the secondary school experience at OWIS. 
  • Be supportive. Listen when your child wants to talk and be patient with them when they don’t.
  • Talk with them about responsibility and set clear expectations and boundaries.
  • Keep the lines of communication with teachers and faculty open, so everyone can work together towards your child’s settling in and success in secondary school.

One World International School offers the IB PYP to Cambridge IGCSE to IB DP pathway for Kindergarten to Grade 12.

If you’re interested in learning more about this leading international school in Singapore, which has a strong reputation for its kindness-led learning approach, contact the admissions team or take the virtual tour today!


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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.