SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips Fun Activities for Children in Singapore During September School Holidays

Fun Activities for Children in Singapore During September School Holidays

The September school holidays will start on September 4th, 2021. Honestly, I believe children couldn’t be happier to take the much-needed break from school.

With a whole week from school, there’s so much that can keep our children happy. However, it can be stressful for parents, especially if you haven’t figured out how to keep your child engaged during the school holidays.

I will be discussing fun ways to keep your child busy without digging deep into your pocket in this write-up.

Take your Children to Gardens by the Bay for a Fun-Filled Day

You can never get enough when visiting Gardens by the Bay. Plus, there’s something worth looking forward to each time you explore. 

There’s always something for everyone, from the most beautiful playground, amazing floral displays, rainforest dome, giant waterfall, and free water play.

You can walk through the cloud forest and let your child have an authentic feel of a forest. 

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Also, Gardens by the Bay will hold a children’s festival from 4 September, which will feature zoo animals like Little Kong and Bruno Bear!

Volunteer to do Charity Work with Your Child

Teaching your children the importance of giving back to the community is essential. Both young and older children can have fun participating in community work. 

Parents will always choose what’s best for their children when it comes to tuition and extracurricular activities. Apart from improving skills, it is paramount that we instill in them good values. 

Various volunteering opportunities teach children how to follow directions. For instance, older children can learn how to take up leadership positions and listen to others.

Go for a Family Staycation at a Resort and Spa

Nothing beats the joy of spending time with your family at a resort and spa. You have enough time to relax, which is vital for the mind.

Recent studies show apart from creating stronger bonds, family holidays make children smarter and happier. Children are always ready to explore, which helps with brain development.

Spending time with your family encourages family bonding which helps in improving communication skills and reducing behavioral issues. Family time together also creates beautiful memories to look back on.  

And the good news is, Singaporeans can use SingapoRediscover Vouchers given by the government to pay for the staycation!

Boost your Child’s Confidence by Taking them to a Study Camp

If you are looking for a study camp that will help boost your child’s learning abilities, enroll them in the British Council study camps.  

The classes that cater to preschoolers, primary and secondary school-going children will begin in September. Your child will have the opportunity to learn about skills needed for the 21st century that will propel their future success. 

During the camp, students will:

  • Improve their problem-solving and creative thinking skills.
  • Gain assertiveness in the way they communicate with other people.
  • Develop their intellectual curiosity and world knowledge.
  • Advance their vocabulary on various subjects.
  • Students will engage in presentations, drama games, group research projects, and fun activities.

Let Your Child Explore their Love for Singing at Singapore Symphony Children’s Choir (SSCC)

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Does your child love singing? Help your child break out of their cocoon by encouraging them to try out new things. A great activity is to help them develop their music talent further.

Let your child uncover the delight of singing at The SSCC Experience, which will virtually take place on the 6 and 7 September. SSCC conductors will lead the sessions, which will see participants learn movement in song, music, singing, and choral technique.

Additionally, contestants will have the chance to take part in a virtual choir performance.

The SSCC is committed to helping young singers accomplish their music potential through improving their music literacy and vocal technique.

Savor Singapore with each Bite at The Singapore Food Festival

Let your child appreciate Singapore’s culture and cuisine by taking them to this year’s food festival. Who knows, they might take some interest in cooking and become a gourmet chef in the future.

Plus, who doesn’t want to learn new skills of making a good meal for their family where the children participate?

The 28th edition of Singapore’s Food Festival returns for three weekends, from 27 August to 12 September 2021. 

This year’s event will see food enthusiasts indulge in local flavors. You’ll also get to attend online masterclasses and virtual tours to grasp the available local delectable better.

Learn about Tiong Bahru or Little India through a virtual tour. Additionally, Singaporean chefs will guide you on how to make the best staples of Singapore.

Visit the ArtScience Museum for Child-friendly Activities

Let your child enjoy the world of metaphor, magic, science, and art while interacting with digital installations.

Visit the Inverted Globe, where your child will enjoy going around a giant sparkling townscape with each step. The children have various toys to choose from, such as planes, trains, cars, and many other vehicles within the virtual city.

Is your child an aquatic life fanatic? You can’t miss checking the Sketch Aquarium, which lets them put everything on paper. Your child will have fun while learning! If you’re keen on exploring this holiday, this is the place to be.

Remember the Covid-19 Measures and Practice Social Distancing

1) People can meet in groups of five, provided all of them are vaccinated. You’re also allowed to host up to five visitors in your home.

2) Similarly, people are allowed to eat out in groups of five provided everyone is vaccinated.

3) Large events can have up to 500 attendees who are fully vaccinated. In the case of pre-event testing, only 50 people can attend a gathering.

As you enjoy the one-week holiday with your child, maintain hygiene by washing hands regularly, and limit close interactions. Fundamentally, keep a distance of around one meter and wear your mask at all times.


While everyone admires the competitive nature of Singapore’s education system, a break from the classrooms gives students the needed mental break.

With the September school holidays knocking, parents and children will have the time to bond and reconnect. Although the September school holidays are shorter, they can have a little break and engage in fun activities in different places.

This will help them rejuvenate and concentrate better when the next school term commences.

Reconnect with your children and have fun! 

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.