SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students Finding Your Voice: Dealing with Unsupportive Parents and Pursuing Your Aspirations

Finding Your Voice: Dealing with Unsupportive Parents and Pursuing Your Aspirations

(Pexels – Alena Darmel)

In life, you can often encounter challenges that try to stop you from pursuing your aspirations. However, nothing can be as emotionally challenging as having your family not support you in your endeavours.

In times like these, you may start to lose confidence and the drive to continue. You may even start to doubt yourself because of their views and comments about you.

Nevertheless, it’s important to remember that you are in charge of your own life. Here’s a mini guide from us to help you get through this hurdle in your life and back on track!

Understand Your Parents

(Unsplash – Chinh Le Duc)

Despite their harsh comments and opinions about you and your aspirations, it’s important to remember that most parents always come from a good place, as they love us.

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They may have their own fears, concerns, or even dreams that they could not pursue when they were younger.

Try to put yourself in their shoes and understand their point of view with less of an intention to harm you. By doing this, you can be more level-headed and more prepared whenever you communicate your dreams to them.

Be Firm About Your Beliefs

(Unsplash – Ruby Doan)

It is crucial to stay true to your heart in times like these. Remind yourself of what you are capable of and why you are even so passionate about your aspirations in the first place.

Don’t let anyone talk you down. After all, you know yourself best and can decide what’s good or bad.

Be assertive whenever they try to challenge your beliefs. Take a stance and make sure that they know you understand where they are coming from, but you will not give up just like that.

If there are specific difficulties or concerns that they brought up, try negotiating with them by informing them that you acknowledge these factors and can deal with them.

This may convince them just a little bit more, as you have put in the effort to prove to them your views.

Get a Third Party To Chime In

(Pexels – RDNE Stock project)

Your parents may not take your words seriously or completely believe them.

Therefore, having an outside point of view can really help. However, ensure that this third party is on good terms, or at least on neutral terms, with your parents.

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Otherwise, they would not consider listening to what they have to say. This could be anyone who supports you, such as your friends.

When someone else is talking about it, your parents may be more open to what they have to say.

Seek Support From Others

(Unsplash – Duy Pham)

If your parents continue to be unsupportive, seek support from other sources. Look for those you trust and who believe in your aspirations.

Once again, they could be your friends, relatives, or even teachers. As long as you have a support network that influences you positively and will be there to provide you with the encouragement and reassurance you need, it can be anyone.

If you can’t find anyone you personally know, you could always seek out online communities and support groups.

Finding a mentor will be even better, as they have plenty of experience and can give you the guidance you need to pursue your aspirations realistically.

Give Them Updates

(Pexels – Ketut Subiyanto)

No matter if your parents end up supporting your aspirations or not, they are still your parents who care about how you are doing.

So, do update them when you can and get them on board. You could share with them any plans, progress, etcetera.

Sharing with them the little successes will prove to them that you are really not just talking but taking action as well. Perhaps they will support you even more after that.

We tend to be judgemental or wary about something until we understand it more. The same goes for this case, as your parents will be less judgemental and less worried once they learn more about what you are really doing.


(Pexels – 胡 卓亨)

Navigating the challenges of pursuing your dreams with unsupportive parents can be really difficult.

However, focus on staying determined and remaining true to yourself. After all, it is your own life.

So, ultimately, it is your own decision to make, as well as the successes to celebrate or the consequences to bear.

Treading this journey of pursuing your dreams can prove to be extremely fruitful despite the lack of support from your parents, as you get to experience and discover new things about yourself or other things. Do not easily give up!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.