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Easter Egg-citement: 5 Easter-Themed Educational Activities For Children

(Pexels – George Dolgikh)

Easter may not be listed as a public holiday here in Singapore but for those who are celebrating it, this article is for you!

Besides family bonding time, Easter can also serve as a great opportunity for educational activities that can keep your children engaged and learning while they enjoy the festivities with you. 

Get ready for Easter with these 5 fun and educational activities that will keep your children entertained!

Math Egg-quations

(Pexels – Magda Ehlers)

Learning and revising mathematics can be tough for our kids, but with the help of Easter eggs, it can be fun and easy! 

For this activity, all you need are plastic Easter eggs that can be opened and closed, as well as a marker. Then, write mathematical questions on the eggs and place them around your house. 

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Feel free to adjust the difficulties and types of mathematical questions depending on what level your child is at. They can range from just simple addition and subtraction, to fractions and even algebra!

Your children will have to then solve the questions in order to collect each of those eggs. If they really struggle, do provide them some hints but not the answers right away.

Easter Scavenger Hunt

(Pexels – RODNAE Productions)

A scavenger hunt is a perfect way of combining the traditional act of egg hunting with learning

For this activity, all you need is a piece of paper to write down different challenges on and a pair of scissors to cut all of them individually.

Then, some easter eggs to stick those challenges on and place them around your house or even your neighbourhood. 

You can customise these challenges in whatever way you want. For example, you may get them to go out and find a flower, rearrange a scrambled up word, or even say something nice to you!

Similar to the Math Eggs activity, your child will have to scout around the area to find them and complete the challenges in order to collect those eggs. 

Easter Story Crafting

(Pexels – Eren Li)

What’s a better way to cultivate your child’s creativity than by crafting stories? This activity will also train yours as well as your child’s arts and crafts skills!

All you will need are pieces of paper (coloured or not, it’s all up to you!) and decorative markers or colour pencils! Get together with your child to create and decorate Easter characters or objects with those materials. 

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After all of those are done, craft different stories with the characters and objects you and your child created and share those exciting stories with each other!

If you have more than one child, you can either get them to team up to create their story of not to team up.

Easter Matching

(Pexels – Polina Zimmerman)

Here is a simple activity to hone your child’s mathematics and visual skills.

For this activity, all you need are Easter eggs in many different colours, that’s it!

Mix them around so that they are all randomly positioned. Then, get your child to group them up separately based on their colours.

Lastly, get them to find objects around your house that are the same colour as the eggs as well as find objects in the same amount as the number of eggs in their categorised colour groups.

Easter Themed Day


Instead of just having an activity to do on Easter, why not make the whole day Easter themed? 

You can start by buying decorative supplies to decorate the house to amp up the atmosphere. Your child can join in and contribute their own decorative suggestions too! This will train their creativity and get them to think out of the box.

You can also have Easter themed meals for the entire day that don’t have to only include eggs. Here are some easy recipes to follow and get your little one to help out too!

Learning some cooking skills can benefit them in the long run and they do not always have to depend on you or food outlets for their meals.

With these kinds of big activities, the more people, the merrier! Get your friends and families together and have a joyous occasion with fun-filled memories!


(Unsplash – Priscilla Du Preez)

Easter may only last for a short period, but nonetheless, it’s a good opportunity for you and your child to catch a mental break and still have family bonding.

If these activities are not up to your child’s liking, you can find activities that they like or modify these activities.

By incorporating educational activities into your Easter celebrations, you can create a fun and exciting learning experience for your children.

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.