SmileTutor Blog Parents Private Tuition 101

The Benefits of Getting an Early Tutor for Your Pre-Schooler

30 September 2017

Globally, there is quite a discussion going on about how young is too young to introduce your child to a private tutor. Tutoring agencies report...

Parents’ Top Tips For Partnering With Your Child’s Teacher

14 August 2017

It is important to build a strong, professional parent-teacher relationship with your child’s teacher because it is a win/win equation for all the parties involved,...

How to Turn Your Private Tutor into Your Secret Weapon

31 July 2017

If you’ve made the decision to hire a private tutor in Singapore, you’re virtually guaranteed to improve. Tutors provide expert feedback and teaching aimed at...

How You Can Tell Whether Your Child Needs Private Tutoring

21 July 2017

Consistently dropping grades A “C” grade here and there is alright. However, if they are bringing home bad report cards repeatedly then it is a...

Why Getting a Tutor for Your Child in Singapore Could Be the BEST Decision You Ever Make

28 April 2017

There are many benefits of private tuition that you can’t get from school. Tuition in Singapore is so popular now that you’re probably already aware...

Warnings Signs of Bad Teachers – Parents in Singapore Should Know Of

21 October 2016

Last week, we talked about the 5 Things All Great Private Tutors in Singapore Have in Common. While our readers loved the article, they also...