SmileTutor Blog Parents Breaking Stereotypes: 5 Creative Digital Projects You Can Do with Your Kids

Breaking Stereotypes: 5 Creative Digital Projects You Can Do with Your Kids


In today’s digital age, our kids have become remarkably adept at operating electronic devices. 

While it is normal to have worries about needing to manage your kids’ screen time, it is also important to remember that mobile and computer screens don’t always have to be your rivals for your kids’ attention.

Contemporary digital technologies today have also become an accessible gateway for many parents to connect with their kids in a healthy manner.

Get your tablets and phones ready! In this article, we have researched and compiled eight fun and enriching activities you can do with your kids.

1) Participating In Digital Art Sessions Together


How about sharing an art session with your kids, on a digital medium

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Pick up painting and drawing apps like Drawize, where you are given large palettes of colors and an array of digital brushes, materials and presets to choose from. These apps have replaced the Pictionary of old, allowing you to pick it up easily and play on your mobile phone or tablet.

Without the need for physical supplies, the activity also cuts away time spent on preparation and can become a fun and quick session squeezed in between study breaks.

Express and impress, or doodle, make a mess; besides the development of artistic skills, the process of guessing and thinking about what is being drawn can also facilitate imaginative expression.

Of course, apps can sometimes require an online connection. Make sure to sign up in advance for the best mobile plans Singapore telcos offer so your sessions go uninterrupted.

2) Build a Digital Board Game with Your Kids


Playing board games is a great way to spend quality time with your kids, but building a digital board game with your kids can be even more exciting and educational. 

The first step in building a digital board game is to pick a game that you and your kids like to play. It can be any classic board game or something completely original. Make sure the game is suitable for your kids’ age group and interests.

The next step is to select the digital platform you want to create the game. You can choose from many options like tabletop simulator, Roll20, Tabletopia, or even create your own custom game board on software like Canva.

Encourage your child to get creative with the design and have them choose the build of the project every step of the way; from the making of the game pieces to its rules. This way, your child will be more involved in the creative process and will be more invested in similar digital endeavors in the future.

3) Digital Photography & Editing


Photography can also be one more project that may interest you and your child. 

Most smartphones and tablets now feature cameras comparable to what professionals use, so photography can be a simple project to get into without much investment.

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Take a crash course about digital photography for beginners online, and teach your child about basics like composition, lighting and angling. If that’s too much work, you can simply encourage your kids to pick their first subjects, or take candid shots of nature and daily life. 

If you have older kids, it would also be a great idea to take the next step and introduce them to basic photo editing tools. This can serve as a great opportunity for them to explore their digital artistry further.

You can help them learn how to edit and enhance digital images through cropping, adjusting colors, and applying filters. Encourage them to experiment with different effects and techniques, as they learn how to transform ordinary photos into unique works of art. 

4) Family Podcasting


How about teaching your child to tell stories through podcasting?

To get started, think about the topics that your child is passionate about or interested in. This could be a one-man show of storytelling, a series of interviews with family members, or even a formal discussion about school and work life! Remember to start small, consider a podcast as a conversation between your kids instead of something too professional.

Encourage your kids to be active in the process of making the podcast, whether it is to contribute topics to talk about or suggest ideas for sound effects or music. Once you start recording, have fun with it!

Let your family’s personalities shine through in each episode. Be flexible and open to changes as your family finds its groove. Remember, the goal of making a family podcast is to have fun and create something meaningful together. 

As they learn to document interesting conversations and foster their communication skills as a strong confident and independent speaker, know that you’ll be there every step of the way with them.

5) Making Music


Music can be another way to engage with your kids. There are many fun and interactive ways to approach and explore their musical skills.

Free music-producing apps like SoundTrap, GarageBand, and Beat Maker Go allow your children to experiment beyond instruments. Tapping into drum pads, audio packs, and preset melodies on the go, producing music digitally can be done without the need to purchase physical instruments.

If your child is new to music-making, you can also look for music-learning apps that offer metronomes, interactive lessons, sheet music, and even instrument tuners.

Making music digitally is ultimately a great way to engage your kids creatively while developing their understanding of musical rhythm, melody, and harmony. 

Empowering Children through the Magic of Digital Creativity


As educators in our children’s lives, we should not be too quick to dismiss opportunities for our children.

While the digital landscape can be a stigma for children because of its association with excessive exposure to video games and shows, we can also treat the medium as a new outlet for our children’s creativity and imagination.

These projects allow children to explore interests and build confidence in themselves and their abilities while honing their digital literacy skills.

Engaging in creative digital projects with your kids will provide you with opportunities to educate, entertain, and bond with them.

From creating music to designing their very own board game, there is something for everyone to enjoy. It’s time to encourage our children to use technology creatively and build a brighter future for themselves and the world around them.

To read more about this topic, check out a few of our related articles below.


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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.