SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips 3 Advices to Give Your Child to Prepare Them For the Work Industry

3 Advices to Give Your Child to Prepare Them For the Work Industry

(Pexels -Annushka Ahuja)

As members of Generation Z begin to enter the workforce, the sudden transition from the safety of learning in school to stepping into the work industry can cause them fear and uncertainty.

But that’s exactly why we are here to help guide them. After all, as parents we would wish to see them having a successful career. 

Here are 3 pieces of advice you can give to your child to help better prepare them for the working world.

1) Don’t Be Afraid to Try Different Jobs

Our adolescents are at an age where they are still learning about the outside world as well as about themselves. Therefore it is not surprising when they are not sure what they really like and dislike. 

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However, they are still young and have a lot of time to explore and find out more about what suits them and what does not.

A key component of human growth and development is self-exploration.

Adolescents can better grasp who they are and what they want out of life by taking the time to examine their values, beliefs, strengths, and experiences.

We can provide some assistance in this aspect as parents to give them some affirmation on things they are unsure about.

Furthermore, they can have deeper self-reflections.

By reflecting on their experiences, they can gain insights on how they have affected them and apply that understanding to make more informed decisions in the future.

Lastly, the earlier they know about what they want and what they can do, the less likely they will choose jobs that they do not have much interest in and suffer.

This will also make them better equipped to lead a healthy work-life balance.

2) Start Developing Skills Aside From Academics

(Pexels – cottonbro studio)

In today’s highly competitive work industry, it is important for them to be highly employable in order to succeed.

Academic results do play a part but in this day and age, employers are focusing more on other skills that can contribute and benefit more to their companies and society. 

There are many different ways for our adolescents to gain more experience and boost their chances of employment. Here are some:

Learning New Languages

Picking up a new language can not only improve their memories, but also increase their creativity.

This will be extremely helpful especially when they are required to communicate with people from different cultures, which would impress their employers.

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Signing Up For Courses

This can help them gain more knowledge about the industry they plan to work in, which does not only increase their employability, but also help them grow as a person.

Additionally, many courses provide networking opportunities, which can be very valuable when it comes to finding new career opportunities or simply learning from others.


Volunteering provides an opportunity for them to give back to the community and make a positive impact. This can also help develop their soft and social skills such as empathy and communication skills.


Internships are a valuable opportunity for them to gain real-world experience in their chosen field, as employers tend to look out for candidates who have practical experiences.

They can also gain industry insights on how their chosen field operates and decide if they want to really work in it.

All of these skills that your child picks up can then boost their resume and impress future employers!

3) Be Prepared for Work to Be Tough

(Pexels – Thirdman)

The work industry can be tough at times, so we as parents need to ensure our child understands how it works for them to survive. 

We could share our experiences as examples for them to understand.

For example, you could share about the instances where you struggled and how you overcame those struggles by finding solutions such as learning to ask for help from others.

Teach them some work values as well as the most common unspoken rules in the workplace so they can better fit in their future work environment.

Additionally, being in the workforce is very different from being in school.

They may have gotten a lot of support and help in school, but in the workforce, they will face more difficulties alone.

Burnt outs are also common, as well as longer working hours.


(Pexels – RODNAE Productions)

Remember to remind them that although it can be a hard transition, it will only be temporary and they can reap the fruits of their hard work.

More importantly, we as parents should not restrict or correct them on what they choose to do as it is their life to live.

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.