SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips Types of Goals Your Child Should Be Setting for Their Studies

Types of Goals Your Child Should Be Setting for Their Studies

Setting goals for one’s self is one of the most important things a child learns as they grow up and take on responsibilities.

Having goals helps them become confident and strive hard to succeed. It gives your child something to work towards and a deeper sense of self-worth and satisfaction when he reaches or exceeds a target that he set himself.

I believe helping our children set their goals would help them on the road to success both in school and in real life.

Setting Goals: The First Step to Success

I must point out that is important that goals must be adjusted depending on your child’s age, dreams and specialities.

Goals can be long-term or short term in nature. It can also focus on things like education, work, or extra-curricular ventures. To help you get started, here are the types of goals your child should be setting when it comes to their education.

Grade-based goals

This type of goal focuses on helping your child improve and reach key milestones in their studies. It could be improving their work on a project, a hard subject or test.

Helping your child with these types of goals helps them learn how to follow a positive work ethic. They can determine which activities will help them succeed best. It will help them focus and get an understanding of what they have to do to get good grades.

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How Should Grade-Based Goals Look Like?

When making grade-based goals, it should be easy to achieve and measure.

Here are some examples:

Score 90 on the next Math test.

Bring my 70 grade to 80 before the next quarter.

Ace my Science project and get an A.

Habit-based goals

This type of goal focuses on changing your child’s activities and lifestyle. These goals can include helping your child break their bad habits and introduce new habits like creating study time.

These goals work well with grade-based goals since it will improve your child’s study habits. It will also give your child the skills and techniques they need to change their lives and succeed.

How Should Habit-Based Goals Look Like?

These goals should be very specific and something that they can do.

Here are some examples:

Take a few minutes after class to review class notes.

Take notes during class.

Contribute in class at least twice a day.

Helping Your Child Achieve Goals

Begin with the Short-term goals

Short-term goals are goals that are often achieved within days or weeks. It is a great way to help your child develop their own educational goals.

Letting them tackle these goals will also help them see their importance and appreciate their successes. As they slowly achieve their targets, they will become confident and look at what else they can do. They will then set up their own goals without having to tell them to set up one.

What do Short-term Goals Look Like?

Since they don’t take a lot of time to do, short-term goals will help your child focus. It will also support your child’s long-term and big goals.

Here are some examples:

Work on mastering math problems for a week

Finish my report for History by Monday.

Submit my project ahead of the deadline.

Shift into Long-term goals

Short-term goals often grow to long-term goals as we look at the possibilities these goals present. Your child will get to see what areas can be explored and how they can build new goals from it.

As you help your child build long-term goals, they will be able to plan for the future and learn to be patient. It will also help them understand the importance of motivation and taking things slowly.

How do Long-Term Goals Look Like?

Long-term goals do not get accomplished immediately. Several small goals will need to be done first before these long-term goals can be achieved.

Here are some examples:

Make the cut for three of my top picks for Poly.

Get into top three for English this year.

Get a good recommendation for a scholarship.

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Evaluating and achieving goals

Sometimes, it is not enough to fulfil small tasks to reach your goals. Time will be needed to reach these goals or something must change in your child’s life. Goals are also flexible and as parents, we must track their progress to ensure they are on the right track.

Revisit and Readjust

Taking time to look back at your child’s goals will help you see if they are experiencing any problems and need aid. If there are problems, you can help your child discover ways to get past it. It could be revising the goals to make it more achievable or reorganize the goals they should do first. No matter which approaches you will use, make sure to help your child watch their progress.

Offer Positive Affirmations and Encouragement

Children do a lot better if they are encouraged and praised to do well. It gives them confidence and motivation to continue moving forward. Helping your child stay on track will help them stay committed and push through with their goals.

Set New Goals When They’ve Been Achieved

When your child succeeds with one goal, do not stop your encouragement. Push them to think further and see where they can still improve. They will also look into what other goals they can push through. Of course, do not forget to celebrate when the goals have been met.


If you want to help your child succeed in school and real life, helping them set up goals will go a long way. As you set up these goals with your child, know which one will work for your child best and help them strive to succeed in them. It will also give them the right skills and mindset to face the world and succeed.

Of course, let your child try things out on their own and help only when they ask. With your guidance and support, they will remain motivated and discover that they can do it if they believe.

For related articles to help your child improve on his grades, check these out:

Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Child’s Memory
Does Playing Sports Help Improve School Grades?

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.