SmileTutor Blog Parents Key Decisions Is Tuition Necessary in JC?

Is Tuition Necessary in JC?

Every student is different when it comes to how fast they can learn a subject as it becomes harder through time.

As a result, some students may end up taking up a tuition course to help them understand their studies and keep up with their peers in school. A few may take up tuition to learn more about the subject because of their limited time on it in school.

For junior college students, the question of whether to take tuition during their JC tenure is often in their mind. Would it be enough if they study hard on their own? Would it be worth it or not? After all, they are almost an adult and unlike young kids who need supervision, they can be responsible and mature enough to manage their time and pursue their study goals with one track mind.

Here are the reasons why you should consider taking a tuition during your JC years:

JC curriculum is intense!

In Singapore, junior college takes up to 2 years to complete and the schedule is often very tight. Students are required to take a co-curricular activity on top of their academic requirements, which have to be completed in its entirety before they take their A-Levels.

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The curriculum is also divided into three groups – H1, H2, and H3 – and there are compulsory combinations that students have to consider. Usually, this includes three H2 subjects, one H1 subject, several H1 subjects, Mother Tongue, Project Work and General Papers.

Considering this intense curriculum, students take all the opportunities they can before entering JC to learn every subject they have to take during this time so they won’t get caught off guard. Some even get tuition to learn to handle all the homework they will face once they enter JC on top of their co-curricular activities. Here is why CCA is important in JC years. 

Economics can be difficult

For some students, Economics is a new subject they will need to be familiar with before they enter JC.

In JC, Economics is taught for 2 years and the concepts can be hard to grasp considering the various topics covered by this subject. Some students may even find it hard to understand because they are not yet working and link it in their daily life.

Getting tuition for Economics will be beneficial because students will be able to grasp economic concepts better through their help. Tuition schools can simplify the concepts and use real-life scenarios to make it easy to relate. One such provider is JC Economics Tuition by The Economics Tutor.

Science becomes in-depth in JC

Aside from economics, students will also dive deeper into science in their 2 years in JC.

For example, if they are taking Physics, they will be guided by their teachers in understanding certain concepts regardless of what exam they are sitting for. Unfortunately, some keywords won’t be explained clearly due to the fast-paced JC curriculum, which can be tricky for some students to learn. This is one of the many reasons why student develop a dislike in Physics. 

To keep up with these keywords, students taking tuition during this time will be able to perform better. They will be given an opportunity to understand the keywords not taught completely in school and recognise them during their exams.

Limited help from School

Two years is admittedly not enough to learn every concept and subject completely. Schools will often fast-track their lessons to keep up with the curriculum even if they did not fully explain it or spent a lot of time on the topic.

Some teachers also don’t have the time to check with each student if they understood the topic because of their class size.

Students who need to take their A-Levels will have to find ways to keep up with the curriculum and also understand the topics they are studying. Here are the list of topics removed for A Levels this year.

Tuition will help them with this endeavour and even let them know where they need to focus more. It will be hard for students to do self-study during JC because of the pace they have to keep up with in school.

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Helps improve one’s understanding in the subject

Getting tuition in JC will help students get more in-depth into their studies and understand all the principles they need to succeed in their classes. A private session will allow the student to ask any questions during a tuition session without fearing peer pressure or sounding stupid.

Certain concepts will also be taught in a simpler or alternative format in tuition, which will be helpful for students who find certain subjects difficult to understand.

Having tuition lessons helps to put learning control into the students’ hands where each session can be tailored to focus on improving the weak areas. Here are more reasons why you will need tuition. 

Limit Your Exam Stress and Be Better Prepared

Since you have a very tight schedule in JC, it can be overwhelming and stressful to prepare for the exams.

You need to be able to discern from various concepts and recognise keywords in a short span of time, which you may end up forgetting because of the amount of information that you need to review. As a result, you may end up failing or get a lower grade than you expected.

With the help of extra tuition, you will become more confident in your exams because you will be able to prepare better and learn all the techniques necessary to ace the exam. A good example is our tips to overcome exam stress. 


As a student, it is important that you ask yourself if you will be able to handle the coursework of JC without tuition. You are the only one who knows your skills better and recognises which areas you need help with or not. Remember, every student is different when it comes to how fast they can learn new concepts in a short span of time. Talk to us today and see if we can help you to raise your scores in your exams.

More on JC life, check out these exam tips here:

Prepping For Junior College Economics: What You Need to Know
Don’t Trip Over the Terms in Your A-levels Chemistry and Biology Questions


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.