SmileTutor Blog General Others How to Choose Holiday Enrichment Classes in Singapore?

How to Choose Holiday Enrichment Classes in Singapore?

For many students, school holidays are very important because its the time they can take a rest from all their lessons. While these breaks are well and good, you wouldn’t want them to forget their lessons easily in favour of their games and holiday leisure.

In Singapore, there are a lot of schools offering holiday enrichment classes. These classes can range from academic subjects to extra-curricular activities like arts and sports.

Taking on these holiday enrichment classes can help your children in the long run, but it can also cost a lot of money. On the bright side, you know your child is not just spending hours at home doing nothing or on their Playstation all day but learning something worthwhile when you are at work.

If you want to get your child in good holiday enrichment classes, here are some tips to help you choose the best ones.

Focus on Future Ready Skills

For parents, it is important that their children are ready for the future. They also know that the curriculum they had back in their school years is no longer like their child’s curriculum. They are also aware that schools take time in changing their school curriculum to match the changing environment.

With this knowledge, parents need to look into alternatives to help their children keep up with their peers. Holiday enrichment classes are good alternatives to help your children out.

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Check out STEM Education enrichment classes if your child’s curriculum does not have a strong STEM curriculum. It is also good for your kids because it can give them skills they cannot easily learn in school and have a better chance in their chosen career.

Classes must enrich your child’s out-of-school time

When you talk about enrichment programs, it must give your children different learning experience. These classes must also challenge your child to think differently and fuel their imagination. If these classes cannot provide that challenge, it will just feel like regular schooling for some kids.

If you are planning to enrol your child in a holiday enrichment class, it should be something they are good in or have interest in. If your child likes performing, enrol them in theatre classes.

If they have an interest in art, get them into art classes. These classes can help your child develop their interest or passion. Some may even help your child develop the right skills they need for the future.

Check the teaching methodology in these classes

As you research about the best enrichment program in the country, you will definitely need to look at each program more closely.

The program must match your child’s capabilities and it must be understandable. The curriculum must also stay true to its topic and help your child teach them key skills.

Before you enrol your child into a program, ask the school or the institution offering the class about its teaching methodology. Some classes may only focus on one aspect of a subject and teach a few skills. There are even classes that may discuss an interesting topic but may bore your child to tears.

While looking for a child’s holiday enrichment classes, look for classes that can help your child build their character. You should also look for classes that have a unique way of teaching kids.

Try a lesson before committing

To make sure that parents and kids know how the classes will go, schools and learning centres offer free trials. During these trials, kids can try out the class for themselves before they can sign up for it fully.

Kids would often be sceptical at first with holiday enrichment classes but after a few sessions, they will embrace it fully. The more interesting their experience is, the more they will be happy to enrol to the class.

Of course, you have to remember that enrolling your kids to these classes is a commitment. Your child will need to keep up with their classes even at home and you, as their parent, have to help them with their studies.

It may take time to see the results of these classes, but if you help your child, you will see the results little by little.

Choose the Right Centre

Singapore has a lot of learning centres and schools offering holiday enrichment classes to students. However, not all of them is accredited to offer such classes and cost a lot of money. Some are also not at par with their competitors in terms of how well each class is taught.

When looking for a good centre to enrol your child in for their holiday enrichment, look into their credentials. Check if they are registered to the right authorities or if they are partnered with an international franchise, validate it.

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If you will get them enrolled in schools, check if the school is allowed to hold these classes and if they have certified teachers for these classes.

You should also consider the fees, materials and curriculum offered by the centre. Look at your long-term goals for your children to follow and their interests. If they do not like their classes, do not force them to finish the program.

Do not overload your child’s schedule

If you decide in getting your child into an enrichment class, you should make sure it will not burn your child out.

Overloading your child’s schedule may affect their development and cause them to lose interest in their activities. When you do enrol them to an enrichment class, make sure that they still have time to play and relax.

Since childhood obesity is now growing, why not get your kids enrolled in sports classes. Sports can let your child play and even teach them about the world around them.


Enrolling your child in a holiday enrichment class is a decision you should not do on your own.

Ask your child if they are interested in these classes even if they are on a break. If they agree to it, analyze all the programs offered and let your child see if the program is right for them.

Remember, this is for your child’s future so these classes should help them out.

For more tips on how to spend your child school holidays, there are some articles:

Should Your Child Do Homework During School Holidays?
6 Things You Can Do For Your Kids During The Year End Holidays To Prep Them For 2018


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.