SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips How Parental Involvement Can Help Your Child Succeed in Life

How Parental Involvement Can Help Your Child Succeed in Life

Every parent wants their children to succeed. They want their children to do well at school, university, and then in life as well. Most of the time, parents put a lot of time, money, and effort into making their children do well.

However, they tend to disregard one key component that’s important to their child’s success – their involvement as parents.

Children whose parents are involved in their lives are more likely to succeed in every sphere of life. Unfortunately, some parents seem to think that they just need to provide the means to succeed and forget the personal involvement part.

How Parental Involvement Benefits Children

There are plenty of studies that show that children benefit from the involvement of parents in their lives. These children grow academically, socially, emotionally, and behaviorally into good people.

On the other hand, children who didn’t see much involvement from their parents turn out to be backward in many ways. There are many ways that active parental involvement benefits children.

Let us look at a few of them.

Academic Achievement

Many studies have shown that children whose parents actively help and assist them in school work do very well in academics.

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Whereas for children whose parents do not take an active interest in their children; these children typically don’t do as well in school.

Moreover, children who have a lot of parental guidance are thought of well by their teachers compared to children whose parents are not that involved.

School Attendance

Children whose parents inculcate in them the importance of education and self-discipline are more likely quite happy to attend school.

Compare this with children whose parents are not involved. These children may have such low self-esteem that they may want to drop out or not attend school.

Social Life and Mental Health

Generally, children with better social skills and a good sense of self-esteem are those who have parents who are very much a part of their lives. A good atmosphere at home will foster good social skills and self-esteem.

Children whose parents are not involved or who come from a dysfunctional family background are more likely to be socially inept. They are also likely to suffer from low self-esteem and may become socially challenged.

Behavioral Issues

Most behavioral issues in children and teens stem from dysfunctional family life or parents who do not care much about them.

Children from loving, caring families are more stable in their behavior and are more likely to have stable and good relationships with all around them.

Some Ways to Help Your Children Succeed

Here are some ways you can create an atmosphere and environment where you will nurture success in your children:

Get Involved in the School Life of Your Child

There are many ways you can get involved in the school life of your child. First, get to know the teacher/s. Meet them whenever possible, and show them that you are interested in the learning of your child. Ask them to get in touch with you in case of any problems with your child.

Get to know your child’s school and classmates. Not in an intrusive way. Just get to know who they are, who your child is friends with, and so on. Invite your child’s classmates and friends over for parties to get to know them better.

Make sure you attend the parent-teacher meetings, open days, other school programs so that you can interact with the teachers and other parents.

In short, take an interest in the life of your child.

Help Your Child With School Work

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Find out from the teachers about the areas of improvement for your child and help him out in those areas. If the child needs extra help, try and arrange for a tutor.

You can help your child with homework and see how you can get involved in helping with the completion of said homework. Provide a proper space and environment where your child can study in peace.

You can also help your child with any research, project work, or assignments that may be given. You could help with searching the web, providing the required material, and giving guidance. Let your child do the work. Let them understand the importance of doing things on their own, with guidance.

Lastly, help your child prepare for and be ready for tests and assignments. Help in any way possible, and stress the importance of studying daily to help with exams revisions.

Monitor Screen Time

As technology is being used heavily in schools now, it’s also best to monitor the amount of time your child spends playing or watching TV.

Ensure that there are fixed times for play and entertainment and that your child knows and understands these limits.

Also, monitor what your child watches on TV. Set ground rules and ensure that you follow through.

Excessive screen time may cause a huge distraction from their studies and in the long run, they might develop an addiction.

Encourage Your Child to Learn and Explore

Build a relationship with your child. A relationship built of mutual trust and love. Be open with your child and expect openness in return. This will ensure that your child will come to you in case of any problems or issues.

You can build up a relationship by talking to your child regularly and doing activities together like flying kites, building something, or cooking a meal together.

Encourage your child to read and explore. Inculcate the habit of keeping in touch with current events and trends. If possible, get your child interested in visiting a library to read and get information.

Playing games together can also create a fun family time together. Games like Monopoly, Scrabble, or quizzes and riddles can sharpen the mind.

To make them feel involved, it is encouraged to teach your children to do the shopping for you to help them learn how to make their way around a store and to learn how much things cost and how to pay. This will give them a broader worldview and will contribute to their knowledge and wellbeing.


Today’s children are the citizens of tomorrow. We need to ensure that our children grow up to be good, honest, and upright citizens.

For this to happen, we need to get more involved in the lives of our children, providing them an environment where they can grow and succeed. We hope that our tips have helped you!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.