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From Acquaintances to Lifelong Companions: A Guide to Building Lasting Friendships

(Unsplash – Nicola Fioravanti)

It’s essential for us to have people in our lives whom we trust and feel close to. After all, friendships and companionships influence us so much, from the choices we make to developing a better lifestyle. 

However, it is not so simple to build and develop long-lasting friendships with the right people. 

If you want to have friends that will support you no matter what, really understand you, and stay with you throughout your lifetime, you will have to do your part as well. 

Here’s a guide to how you can build and maintain long-lasting friendships and build stronger connections with others!

Stay True to Yourself

(Unsplash – Jernej Graj)

This is the most important advice that anyone can give you, and it applies to your life in general as well. A long-lasting friendship can’t be built on dishonesty and lies. 

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You don’t have to put on a mask and pretend to be someone else, as real friends accept and love one another. 

Be genuine and express how you truly feel to your friends, even if it means pointing out certain shortcomings. They will be glad that you are real with them and will also be willing to trust you more, therefore strengthening your bonds with them.

Actively Listen to Them

(Unsplash –  Franco Antonio Giovanella)

Active listening means taking the time to attentively listen to what they have to say and not interrupting them. 

You can also show that you are paying attention to them by showing signs such as nodding your head and making eye contact with them. 

Afterward, you can offer to give some advice or make any comments once they are done talking. Through this, they will know that you really want to be there for them and want to help them with whatever they are dealing with.

Make Time

(Pexels – cottonbro studio)

Although social media is everywhere and makes things more accessible and convenient for all of us, that doesn’t mean it makes it easy to build long-lasting friendships with others. 

Reach out and be there for your friends, showing that you care for them no matter how hectic your schedules are.

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This can be through text messages or even calls, and these small actions can mean a lot to them, especially when they are having bad days. 

Having physical meet-ups can also help you really connect with others and create fond memories with them to look back on.

Additionally, you guys can bond more over different activities, such as watching movies together or even just eating out at a cafe. 

We won’t always know what they are going through in their own lives, so by showing them that you prioritise them, they will trust you and feel closer to you.

Show Your Support

(Unsplash – Airam Dato-on)

No matter the good or bad times, be there for your friends and provide a listening ear if they need to vent. 

Show them that you will always stand by their side, no matter how challenging it can get. 

Celebrating their achievements or successes also shows that you recognise their skills and are proud of them.

Overall, this will help build trust and deepen the friendship bond between you and your friends.

Find Shared Interests

(Unsplash – Raychan)

Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and explore what you and your friends really love to do. This will also give you guys more things to talk about and create more happy memories

For example, my best friend and I are both fans of a Korean pop boy band, and we will constantly listen to their songs and update each other about them. We even attended their concert together! 

Finding common ground and conversation starters can help strengthen your friendships, with you guys knowing more about each other.

Communicate Regularly

(Unsplash – Mimi Thian)

Effective communication is important in every relationship, not just friendship. By communicating well with your friends, you can prevent misunderstandings. 

If there’s anything you aren’t satisfied with, communicate it to them, but in a respectful way. 

Be open with them about your honest thoughts and feelings, and they will be more likely to do the same after knowing what you really think or feel.


(Unsplash – Andrew Moca)

Building and maintaining long-lasting friendships will require quite a bit of effort from both parties. 

But it will definitely be worth it to have trustworthy friends who will be there for you for a huge part of your life! 

One last thing to note is that true friends don’t come into your life every day, so cherish the ones you already have.

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.