Blog Students Exam Tips Conquering Exam Stress: Top Tips for International Students

Conquering Exam Stress: Top Tips for International Students

“Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.” Not my words, but this is by far one of the most helpful techniques to deal with stressful situations. Experts say that taking stress in limited amounts can help us accomplish our goals, but what is minimum stress? Well, if you ask a successful person, he/ she will probably say that stress is normal, especially in challenging times, like performing on stage, running a 400m lap, or taking exams. Today, we will discuss some of the best tips to conquer exam stress, and how you can take control of your mind and body, especially in challenging times.

What is Exam Stress?

Psychologists worldwide have been studying the causes of stress and here’s what they’ve discovered; students develop tension and worry, especially during examination time, as the fear of failure or high expectations circles the surface. Then they have parental and internal pressure, and social comparison.

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The development of exam stress in a student can be seen in their behavior, and response.

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  • Physical signs, like fast heartbeat, sweating, dry mouth, headache, tense muscles, difficulty in sleeping, etc.
  • Mental and Emotional signs, like unable to concentrate, going blank, procrastinating, racing thoughts, uncontrolled feelings of fear, etc.
  • Behavioral signs, like nail biting, fidgeting, binge eating, and sometimes smoking or drinking as well.

Exams are Not Worth the Stress

We all have experienced exam stress at some point and sooner or later, we learned some important lessons from those stressful situations. Exams are a big deal for all of us; family life comes to a standstill, weddings and birthday parties postponed, and all this before students enter the exam dungeon and then, they are on their own.

If you score well, there are gifts and sweets for you, but if the outcome is bad, uh-oh, the entire family suffers grief. You see, grades are treated like tokens of exchange and education is seen as a means of trade for social and economic actions, a good college, a good job, good marriage prospects, a good life, and good grades promise all of this. Acing exams can alter the course of one’s life.

Take for example, Singapore, where mental health related hospital admissions among teens are at a peak between January and April, that’s the exam season in Singapore.

But, let me make it clear for you, exams and grades are not the only things that define your life. There are enough examples of those who did not have a great academic record but did well in life.

7 Successful Exam Stress Management Techniques

You know why exams are becoming more stressful? It’s the mutual societal expectations and belief that grades are everything. To all the students and parents out there, here are the 7 most successful exam stress management techniques that can help students achieve success.

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Relax, Take a Breath

Remember the quote given in the introduction? Instead of worrying, it’s better to take a few moments off the books and relax while studying or before an exam. Doing say can significantly help reduce stress levels, and yes, it can also enhance your performance. Have you ever seen athletes before the start of a race? They always try to breathe and relax before the whistle goes off, and just like that, they’ve done it. You just have to sit comfortably and take a deep breath to relax.

Be Positive and Confident

How confident are you in yourself that you can surely score well in the exams? Your answer will determine your preparation level, but the goal here is to maintain a positive outlook. “You can do it”. Just use these four words whenever negative thoughts circle your head. If you can bypass the negative thoughts by being positive and confident in yourself, then you can overcome any stressful situation in life.

Stay Focused

Exam time is to focus on studies and not worry. You have a syllabus to complete, answers to remember, and equations to solve. It is true that exams are unpredictable, and that’s the reason why you have to stay focused and study everything included in your syllabus. Try not to be swayed away by people or social media. You must focus on you and your exam.

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Manage Your Time & Prioritize

You have 24 hours in a day, 168 in a week, and over 730 in a month. How do you plan to manage your time, especially during the exam season? Here’s a quick tip; try to manage your time effectively and put your education above all. How many hours you can study in a day will depend on you. Some can study just 2-3 hours a day and score well, while others try to study for longer than that, but barely manage to score an average grade.

You know that you have to finish the entire exam syllabus and there are only limited hours before the exam commences. Instead of studying for long hours, try to take small breaks in between, in which you just must relax your mind and body.

Eat healthy, Stay Hydrated

Eat your greens because that’s what most students forget to do, especially during exams. Compromising with your health will do no good and chances are that you might fall sick. Your goal should be to appear for the exams in perfect health, and that is only possible by eating healthy and organic food and drinking plenty of water. You can grab an apple or banana while studying, always keep a water bottle next to your study table and avoid junk food, only until exams are over.

Good Student Accommodation

This one is especially for students who study abroad or are away from their friends and family, as they often need moral support to cope with exam stress. The place or student accommodation where students live can significantly impact their exam stress level. Therefore, it is necessary to pick good student accommodation that is not just student friendly but also has a communal area and a student support community which can help students in stressful times.

Image Credit: BuckingHamshire New University

Take a Nap

Studying late at night and not getting enough sleep can lead to serious problems. For teenagers, a minimum of 7 to 8 hours of sleep is essential for proper neural functioning. You do want to remember all the answers in the exam, but your plan can be a big failure if you don’t sleep well. The ideal time for students to go to bed is between 10 to 10:30 pm. Just remember the phrase, “Early to bed, early to rise”.


Exams are stressful, not just for students but for families as well. There are parental and internal expectations, fear of failure, inadequate preparation, social comparison, etc. This stress will do more harm than any good. So, it’s wiser to learn to manage exam stress not just for better grades but for a better life.

Good luck with your exams!


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.