SmileTutor Blog Parents Private Tuition 101

Maths Tuition in Singapore – 23 Popular Math Tutor Options

27 November 2018

Math can be a VERY frustrating subject for your child. Through primary, secondary and JC, many students continuously struggle in grasping mathematical concepts. In fact,...

Complete Guide to Group Tuition in Singapore (Literally everything you need to know and more)

29 September 2018

Education is a very expensive investment for many parents who would like to give their children an edge once they grow older and enter the...

Can’t Find a Tutor? 4 Golden Rules For Setting the Right Tuition Rates

22 September 2018

Time and time again, I come across parents who are unable to find tutors for their child. We'll see the same parents come back time...

Communication Between Your Child’s Tutor And School Teacher

27 January 2018

If your child is having problems keeping up in school, hiring a tutor for them is a good idea. If they have attention issues, or...

5 Signs You’ve Hired the Wrong Tutor

06 January 2018

Choosing a private tutor is a tough job. This person will be spending a lot of time with your child; you’re investing money and time...

When Tuition Does More Good Than Harm

01 January 2018

Tuition: the training or instruction provided by a tutor. This innocuous-looking word has been the subject of great, heated debates among parents for years. On...