SmileTutor Blog Parents Parenting Tips A Stronger Immunity to Fight Wuhan Coronavirus Covid-19: 6 Natural Ways To Boost Your Child’s Immune System

A Stronger Immunity to Fight Wuhan Coronavirus Covid-19: 6 Natural Ways To Boost Your Child’s Immune System

You can never tell when an illness will hit you or your child, especially in the changing climates we are experiencing today.

With the onset of the Wuhan coronavirus Covid-19 which remains a big mystery to health experts and doctors worldwide, it is important that you and your child take precautionary measures to strengthen your body to combat against it.

Here are six natural ways to boost your child’s immune system to protect them against the Wuhan coronavirus:

Reduce Stress Levels

Children are also prone to stress, especially if they are just getting used to schoolwork and other responsibilities. Even things at home can cause stress for children.

Stress can trigger the immune system to activate even if there is no threat around the person. The longer the immune system is working without due reason, it will be worn down and increase the potential for the body to be vulnerable to diseases.

To help your child relieve their stress, you can introduce to them exercises such as yoga and meditation. Check out our article on how to relieve the stress for your child. 


Exercise has always been recommended to keep our body healthy and it impacts our learning capacity as we explored here. For kids, it is ok to introduce light to moderate exercises to keep their body healthy.

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Studies show that light to moderate exercises can help kickstart their immune system and help it automatically fight against any pathogens, viruses and other risks.

Exercise also helps them combat inflammation and reduce the impacts of ageing if your child keeps up with constant exercise as they grow older.

You must make sure that your child is not doing any intense workouts regularly because it will only lower their body’s guard against illnesses. You should also support their exercise with healthy food and water.


It is often said by many that lacking sleep can affect the body in more ways than one. You can check out how in our detailed article. 

For the immune system, a lack of sleep can reduce the alertness of your body’s T-cells, which assists the immune system to get ready against viruses.

A lack of sleep also reduces our body’s response to vaccines.

It is ideal that you get your children to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours every day. You can also let them get naps after school if there have been problems with their sleep.

Good Hygiene

I don’t think we can stress this part enough. It is always a constant reminder for many people to practice good hygiene to combat any kind of disease or illness.

For your kids, always tell them to wash their hands before eating and when they coughed, used the bathroom or been out in public. They should also avoid touching their face if their hands have touched anything else in public.

Both your child and all the family members’ should measure their temperature on a daily basis.

They must also wear masks if they are not feeling very well and to report to either you or the teacher.

Vitamins & Supplements

If you want to assist your child’s body to get immunity aside from exercise and a good diet, you can also provide them with vitamins and supplements that their immune system needs.

There are now available vitamins and supplements available in pharmacies that provide immunity strengthening for people.

If you are planning to give your child vitamins and supplements, they should have vitamin A, B-vitamins, C, D and E.

These vitamins can improve your child’s immune system and strengthen it against diseases. Vitamin C, in particular, is great when it comes to improving the immune system.

You must also check with your child’s paediatrician if they recommend giving your child supplements depending on their condition and needs.

It is also highly recommended that you give your child these vitamins and minerals through food like the ones listed here.


You can also change your child’s diet to include fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods like the ones we listed here to give them a fighting chance against diseases. Each fruit and vegetable have high vitamins and minerals, which can help the body in one way or another.

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Aside from improving the body’s immune system, it can improve the body’s capacity to detoxify itself. Some examples of fruits and vegetables you can introduce to your child include broccoli, spinach, cabbage, and kale.

There are many foods that have high antioxidants, which can help clean the body from free radicals and toxins. Free radicals and toxins can affect your immune system’s response to viruses. If these radicals or toxins remain in the body, the more your child’s

Some foods come with healthy fats like omega-3, which improves the body’s capacity to fight against viruses and other risks.

If your child often prefers drinking fizzy drinks like cola, you should get them to drink a lot of water. Water can help clean your body, as well as hydrate our cells to keep nutrients flowing through the body. It also helps the body to process food faster and gets rid of wastes faster.

Aside from fruits, vegetables, and water, you can also add ingredients like ginger and garlic, which are discovered to be good for your immune system. Of course, you need to make sure that your child is not allergic to any food you want to add in their diet.

Final thoughts

Our child’s immune system is still developing and needs a lot of help for it to grow strong. You do not have to give them a very strict lifestyle to help their body combat diseases like the Wuhan coronavirus Covid-19 because there are natural ways to help them protected.

Of course, you have to make sure that these natural methods will be double-checked with your child’s doctor so they can recommend how you can enact these tips without affecting their natural routine.

Remember, you can never be too careful these days and even if the virus is contained, keeping these tips included in your child’s routine will also help them develop a healthy lifestyle they can carry on for the future.

For the latest Covid-19 articles related to education, you can find out more here:

Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak: Why Schools in Singapore are not Closed?
Compulsory Leave of Absence due to Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak: How are Students Affected?


Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.