SmileTutor Blog Tutors Tutoring Tips 8 Amazing Books to Help You Get Started as a Tutor

8 Amazing Books to Help You Get Started as a Tutor

Keen to become a tutor?

Whether you are doing this in your spare time to earn extra income or going in as a full-fledged tutor, becoming a tutor is not an easy thing to do. You have to know how to handle all sorts of students, prepare the right lessons and manage your time wisely. It can be difficult to grasp all of these things in one go.

Fortunately, there are books about tutoring that are available in the market today. If you want to get started with your tutoring business, here are 8 amazing books that will help you start your tutoring journey.

1) Becoming a Better Tutor: A Data-Driven Approach to Tutoring

If you want to know if tutoring is the right thing for you and how you can develop your business, this is the book to get.

The book is written by Alicia Holland-Johnson, a popular educator who runs a successful tutoring business. As you read through the book, you will be given a guide on how you can sort out your lesson plan for each client, build your business and keep your clients happy, track every student’s progress and manage your business.

The book also features several strategies and methods which can be applied to your tutoring style.

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2) Tutoring Matters: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about How to Tutor

If you want to learn everything there is to know about tutoring and how to be one, this book is a must-read.

Written by Jerome Rabow, Tiffani Chin and Nima Fahimian provide an in-depth guide on how to be a tutor. The book uses firsthand experiences and discusses every aspect of tutoring: from answering common fears to building student-tutor relations.

It also helps tutors understand how to handle students and parents alike, especially during problems.

3) Tutoring as a Successful Business: An Expert Tutor Shows You How

Want to know the tips and tricks in becoming a tutor?

Expert tutor Eileen Shapiro shares her secrets as a tutor and give readers tips on how to be a successful one. In the book, tutors will be able to learn how to handle students of all ages, set up their tutoring business and how to conduct lessons at home.

It also provides tips on how to approach students, utilizes different teaching styles and understands the paperwork needed for tutoring. It is important to take note that the book does not include yet lessons on using technology for tutoring.

4) Tutoring adolescent literacy learners

For tutors who will be teaching 12 to 18 years old students with literacy difficulties, this is the book to buy.

The authors Kelly Chandler-Olcott and Kathleen Hinchman share their tips on how tutoring must be done. The book covers ideas on how tutors can assess their students, how to deal with weaknesses, interests and improve lessons.

There are even examples offered in the book from 20 other tutors, as well as a Q&A chapter for common scenarios faced by tutors. The book also has a planning form to help new tutors plan their classes.

5) How to Start a Home-Based Tutoring Business

When tutors do their tutoring business in their home, they have to make sure that their makeshift classrooms are perfect. The book will guide tutors on how to organize their homes for tutoring, market the business properly, keep students motivated and how to track progress.

Beth Lewis used her experience in tutoring to help devise some of the tips in the book. The book also contains tips, FAQs and checklists which you will need when sorting out the business.

She also included a sample look on how the budget template should look like, how the contract can be made for both tutor and parent and how notes should be done.

6) Teaching Knowledge and Intelligent Tutoring

Tutoring does not just focus on teaching what subjects students need to learn. It also focuses on how tutors can teach knowledge to their students.

The book is recommended for computer tutors because it gives a guide on how the subject can be taught and what mindset should tutors be in as they teach the subject.

It is important to note that this book was written in 1991, so it can be used as a foundation for understanding how computers should be introduced.

7) Tutoring Adolescent Readers

For tutors who wish to teach students ages 12 to 18 and have problems reading, this book comes highly recommended by teachers and tutors alike.

The book offers tutors and teachers alike a manual on how they can solve their student’s problems in learning how to read. This also includes how teachers or tutors can help students who are having problems learning English or adapting to a certain learning style. It promotes fluency and literacy by giving tips on how reading tutorials can be set up.

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The book also has techniques tutors can use while they read with their students and follow-up activities to monitor student progress. Resources are also listed in the book to help tutors learn more about other reading strategies.

8) Be a Great Tutor: The Inspiring Guide to Tutoring All Ages

Finally, if you want to be a tutor that inspires students of all ages, this is the book you need to get.

Author Erin Quinn O’Briant explains to readers what tutoring is all about. She explains every fundamental aspect of tutoring. She would also guide readers on how to apply tutoring techniques to various subjects and tutoring sessions.

Some of the chapters also include topics like student groups, e-tutoring, and managing the job at a different level. There are also stories in the book for tutors to read and apply to their classes.


There is no clear model for building the perfect tutoring business. However, there is nothing wrong in checking out techniques from other experts to improve your tutoring style.

If you are just starting your business or want to be guided on being a good tutor, why not give these books a go? They will definitely give you ideas on how to improve and support your goal to be a good tutor.

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.