SmileTutor Blog Students Advice For Students 7 Reasons to Study Law in Singapore

7 Reasons to Study Law in Singapore

Singapore is known for its great schools with various diplomas or degrees.

One of the most prominent courses to study is the law. Law is considerably one of the oldest professions in the world. A law degree promises great career opportunities and is a highly regarded qualification.

If you would like to hone your critical thinking and problem-solving skills, then studying law is the right decision to make!

In this article, I will share 7 reasons why you should study law in Singapore.

1) Multiple Schools to Choose From

There are several universities that offer law degrees in Singapore. You can choose between local or private universities which may offer part-time degrees.

National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore Management University (SMU) as well as Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), are the top 3 Singapore universities for you to enroll in law degrees.

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Below are 3 other local and private schools offering law diplomas or degrees. Head to their website to find out more!

2) Wide Range of Law Programs Available

The schools in Singapore offer multiple programs for you to choose from. If some of you are considering a career switch, there are also part-time diplomas for you to enroll in.

You choose to do a part-time program or a full-time program, whichever fits your schedule.

For example, in NUS, you can choose to do a full-time degree between Master of Laws or Master of Laws in International Business Laws.

If you are more ambitious, you can even go for a double degree.

In the event you meet difficulties in your schoolwork, you can also get help via law essay-writing services with law assignments.

But make sure you don’t just blindly plagiarize others’ work! Use them as references for improving your own self-written law essays instead.

Alternatively, you can hire a home tutor to help you. SmileTutor has many law graduates and even law professors who can provide private tutoring to help you master Law.

Different schools offer different types of programs. Be sure to do your research and look at how much time you can commit before enrolling!

3) Recognized Diplomas and Degrees

Most of the law diplomas/degrees offered by Temasek, NUS, SMU, and SUSS are recognized in Singapore.

That does not mean that if you went to a private school (E.g., Kaplan Singapore), your certificate issued by the overseas institution will not be recognized.

Employers will look at your abilities during the job interview to excel at the position and whether your qualifications meet the requirements of the job.

Before enrolling in any courses, it is advisable for you to find out as much as you can about the programs from the schools.

Professional degrees such as law, are to be recognized by professional bodies like The Law Society of Singapore.

4) Multitude of Career Options

With a law degree, there are many careers you can embark on besides becoming a lawyer.

A law degree will open many doors for you. The skills acquired during the course such as research skills, critical thinking, and analytical skills, as well as communication skills will allow you to have more options in choosing a career.

Careers such as legal counsel for a company, civil service officer, justices’ law clerk, a district judge, or a journalist!

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As a law graduate in Singapore, you can explore various career options even if you do not wish to be in the law sector.

5) Justice System

Singapore’s legal system is recognized for its fairness, integrity, and efficiency. We are known for being one of the safest cities as well as having one of the lowest crime rates in the world!

On top of that, all Singapore citizens are equal in the eyes of the law, regardless of your race and religion.

In Asia, we are ranked number 3 for the least corrupted Asian country. Therefore, Singapore is one of the best countries for people to come and build their own businesses here.

6) Diverse Student Body

Singapore is known for our multi-racial society. We have our own unique culture and beliefs.

As our education system is flexible and diverse, students can build their confidence and develop a sense of purpose while pursuing their interests.

Interacting with people from different races and cultures helps in building positive relationships as well as understanding the perspectives of others.

7) Various Financial Aids (Depending on Schools)

If you already looking into schools, then you will be happy to know that there are many schools that provide scholarships and financial aid to help you ease the hefty school fees, so that you will be able to focus on your education and achieve your dream career!

In SUSS alone, there are currently 7 types of sponsorships available.

You can contact the schools to find out more or apply via the school’s website directly.

I hope that this article has been beneficial for you and all the best in your future endeavors!

Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.