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5 Tips to Guarantee Your Placement in EAE


What is the Poly Early Admissions Exercise (EAE)?

It is an aptitude-based admissions exercise that allows students to apply for and receive admission offers to polytechnics. Usually, this is done before students get their O level results which puts less pressure on them to do well.

As long as you have an aggregate of 26 points and have an EAE offer, your placement in the course is guaranteed. But EAE can be quite competitive, especially since more students want to join poly.

Here are some tips to guarantee your placement in EAE.



Research is crucial when applying for EAE. This is because you’ll get more insight into the courses, which allows you to tailor your application to suit the course you’re applying for.

This boosts your chances of getting an EAE offer because it increases your aptitude for the course. Here are some things to take note of while researching:

1. Research your top three course choices, for example, modules taught, exchange programmes and career progression.
2. Look up articles or discussions on past experiences
3. Visit poly open houses one year before applying for EAE and talk to tutors and seniors
4. Research for relevant skills and knowledge needed in the course before applying

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Prepare Your Write-Ups


For your EAE application, you must submit a 600-character write-up on your aptitude and interest in the course. In this write-up, make sure to keep it short and sweet and include:

1. Any relevant CCAs
2. Relevant work experience
3. Interest-based events you have participated in
4. Related hobbies
5. Related knowledge or experiences

You might also need to prepare a 1000-character write-up. For some courses, it is optional, while for others, it is compulsory. Always check the application requirements for your chosen courses. In this write-up, talk about your talents and achievements like:

1. Competition participation and awards
2. Leadership roles
3. Volunteer or Values-In-Action (VIA) programmes

Ask Questions During the Interview


Throughout the EAE application process, you’re subjected to multiple interviews (about two to three). Take this opportunity to ask questions about your course to know what you’re getting into.

Although it’s meant for polys to evaluate you, it is also for you to assess the poly to see if you’re suitable. It also shows your interviewers that you’re passionate about the course and want to know more, improving their impression of you.

Here are some questions you can ask during your interview:

1. Is there anything in my application that you would like me to elaborate on?
2. What are the job prospects for a fresh polytechnic graduate in this field?
3. What is the culture like in this course/ polytechnic?
4. What are the possible career progressions in the industry?

Prepare a Portfolio


Portfolios are the best way to showcase your abilities and aptitude during your EAE interview. It compiles relevant experiences and skills all into one file, making it easier for the polys to assess your aptitude for the course.

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Here are some things you should include in your portfolio:

1. Testimonials or recommendation letters from teachers, employers, and/or coaches.
2. Relevant certificates and awards (subjects taken, CCA records, report book slips)
3. Relevant work experiences (supported with evidence)
4. Workshop participation certificates
5. Your works (especially if you’re joining a design or media course)

Seek Out Career Counsellors


The best way to ace your EAE application is by understanding the EAE application process. What better way than to seek out your school’s career counsellor? After all, they’re experienced in guiding students and are familiar with the EAE process and interviews.

Here’s what you should ask them for help with:

1. Guidance for choosing the best courses to place as your top three course choices
2. Mock interviews and interview tips
3. Preparing your portfolio (you can also refer to my point above)



Being offered a position in your dream poly course can be rewarding. Especially since it gives you a sense of reassurance during your hectic O level year. You’ll also be less stressed since you only need 26 points to get into your chosen course.

This is why it is important to guarantee your placement in EAE! Let us know in the comments if you were offered an EAE placement and your EAE application experience.

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Rum Tan

Rum Tan is the founder of SmileTutor and he believes that every child deserves a smile. Motivated by this belief and passion, he works hard day & night with his team to maintain the most trustworthy source of home tutors in Singapore. In his free time, he writes articles hoping to educate, enlighten, and empower parents, students, and tutors. You may try out his free home tutoring services via or by calling 6266 4475 directly today.